Sucking Loaches Acting Strange


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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Had problem with water and my 2 barbs died, so replaced water with tap + 'safe water'(increases good bacteria apparently) and the treatment that makes tap water safe. the two loaches are back in and zippin' around the place like mad?! b4 they were quite active but not like this, they never stop for more than 3 secs. . :D it is quite entertaining. weather they felt intimidated by the barbs b4 or something i don't know? Anyone got any idea why they are acting this way :S
info is appreciated, thanks :)
I don't know much about loaches, but I'd keep an eye on them. Maybe something's wrong? Or maybe they're just happy...who knows
Water stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, plus size of tank in litres, and full stock list of fish.
i'm guessing you mean hillstream loach then? if so they should be quite active, at least mine are :)

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