Sucking Loach With Pleco


Fish Crazy
Nov 24, 2007
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I have a pair of sucking loaches in my 40 gallon tank but would like a pleco. My Fiance doesn't like the look of them so we got sucking loaches instead but I think I would be able to persuade her with a nice fancy species like a Zebra or Spotted something. Will they live ok together and I would like to make sure I dont get something that will out grow my 3 foot long tank. So far the LFS has given me bad advice so dont even want to ask them..
I don't know exactly what it is but think it is Gyrinocheilus aymonieri and it looks like this:

I don't know exactly what it is but think it is Gyrinocheilus aymonieri and it looks like this:


If these are the same type of fish in the pic, they will grow highly territorial and agressive towards each other as they grow and will probably end up killing each other at some point- these are nice peaceful little algae eating fish when juveniles, but more than often grow to become increasingly territorial and agressive when older. Not only will they not tolerate each other at all in time to come, but they are unlikely to accept any other bottom dwelling fish in the tank.

What other fish do you have in your tank and how many?
I've got a CAE with a male bristlenose plec. Not an ideal match, but they don't bother each other. Your loaches will get territorial. The only reason why my CAE is kept in check is because he got in a fight with my BN a while back and got spiked. They will size each other up now and again, but I've had no fights with any of my bottom feeders.

Anyone else noticed how many spikes a BN plec has when flared up??!? it's impressive.

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