Suckers ?


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
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Nottingham UK
The "suckers" on my air powered filters have turned hard and dont like to suck (insert random joke...) so off I trots to the local fish shops... got mixed responses along the lines of "buy another filter", or "what" ?

Would have thought these were readily available... but seems not :no:

Anyone know of a source ?

Best Ive seen are heater holders, but at over a pound for 2 suckers, its silly money..... and I need a few !
Hey... Even in South Africa replacement suckers are available, so assume they'll even be available in the Christmas Isles......
My LFS has thousands of suckers in several different sizes.

I guess it depends what kind of size you are looking for.

I've used algarde heater suction cups on long airstones, air powered sponge filters and heaters before, maybe try some of them?

Find them in an lfs for about £1.60, or pay a couple of extra £ from ebay.

The small suckers like the algarde thing there but without that strap are 30p each I think.
Try Aquatics online and aqua essentials. Alternatively pop into P@H who sell all the Fluval replacement ones etc. They are for sale in certain places but like you I struggled.

If you give me a pm with a pic I have hundreds of various types.

a cheaper alternative is to try chucking your existing sucker in a cup/mug and poor boiling water over them for about 5mins, this should soften them up nicely and make them sucky again ;)
Thanks for the replies guys... ended up buying some heater clips, and binning the clip ! :S

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