Subtropical Fish


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I had a break from fishkeeping for about a year and now I am thinking about setting up a new tank again. I have a rio juwel 180 (approx 47 gallons, or so it calculates on google) with external eheim pro 2224 and would like to go unheated. That means that the temperature of the tank would be around 18-20 C.
The tank is already filled with water but has not yet been cycled. There are Anubias sp. and some valisneria in there as I want some plants for the look of the tank, but would like the focus to be on fish.

What fish species ( that are relatively common in the trade) would you recomend for this kind of setup (and temperature range)?
I would like some smaller and some larger fish (obviously not large enough to eat the smaller ones)and lots of color. I quite like some strains (not too washed out) of WCMMs and I know they are suitable but than I don't know if they are not too small as to limit what largish fish I could get...One more thing - I don't want livebearers as I don't want to have too much fish and I feel sorry for the babies getting eaten (yes, I know...but I can't help myself)...
Generally I like the look of cyprinids like barbs, goldfish (you know, the standard looking fish as far as body confirmation goes), but I am also fond of SAE - with its silver body and bold stripe. But only if other fish are more colorfull...
I also wouldn't mind if there is a centre-piece fish and than smaller fish or similar :)

Please, give me suggestions :)
For goldfish, 2 fancys would probably be the max in there depending on what 'stocking rule' you use for them. Commons, commets, shubunkins, etc would outgrow the tank and are better in a pond.

Some barbs, White cloud mountain minnows and zebra danios tend to be lower end tropical fish, perhaps look into those?
galaxy rasboras, White cloud mountain minnows, zebra danios, ruby barbs, hillstream loaches, goldfish, dragon gobies, freshwater blennies, rosy barbs, cherry barbs, guppies, variatus platies, golden dwarf barb, hong kong plecos, paradise fish, spanish killifish, mosquito fish, and green barbs
are some species that will do well in a sub tropical setup
I have rosy barbs and a paradise fish in with the white clouds in a sub-tropical set up nobody bothers anyone else they all seem to get along. Rosey barbs look fairly similar to goldfish they are certaily one of the more ordinary looking fish but the long fin var. look stunning

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