Substrate, Sand and Gravel


Fish Herder
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
I have questions concerning what to use in the bottom of a tank. I know there are different kinds of substrates for use in a tank, but don't know what the benefits are to them nor how to care for it. I currently have gravel in my tank, but wanted to go to something like this:

But don't know really anything about it. I wanted something that looked more natural and also the gravel gets icky algae around the edges and shows up terribly. My main question would be, I guess, I currently vacuum my gravel, would I do the same for this kind of substate or what do I do when cleaning the tank? Any information would be greatly appreciated or direction.


-- Leigh Ann
Basically the proceedure is the same. The only difference is when vacuuming you do not plung the vac into the sand but hover over it an inch or so (depending on the wieght of the sand). The detrius will be lighter than the sand and will be sucked up by the vac.

there are quite a few people on here that have Tahitian Moon sand as their substrate. I've not heard of any problems with it :)
We have that exact substrate in our main tank. It's lovely, took little rinsing and didn't cloud up the water at all when we first used it or during water changes. It did look a bit *too* clean for the first couple of weeks and the poo really stood out against it, but now it looks great.

We have gravel in our other tank and we use the same device (gravel vac syphon thingy) to clean the sand, we just don't stick it into the sand like you would with kind of hover the end half a cm from the sand and the poo just jumps off the sand and into the cleaner as that particular brand of sand seems to be very heavy.
If the sand is deep you could do with swirling through it with a stick every now and then to stop dead patches forming.
Thanks so much for all the information! I really do appreciate it! I'm beginning to like the substrate more and more and can't wait to make the transition from gravel to sand! I'm totally excited now! Thanks for all the great responses! :D
Have fun :D Are you putting it in the tank that has cories in? If so, they will be so grateful, they love to dig in sand. :)
clutterydrawer said:
Have fun :D Are you putting it in the tank that has cories in? If so, they will be so grateful, they love to dig in sand. :)
Now that you say that I think I am going to re-do all my tanks with sand... except for the 1 gals. Thanks for the idea!
Ace :D If you want some tips, I think I saw a thread today in Tropical chit-Chat about how someone switched their tank over to sand.
here's a question that has been on my mind: My Platys especially eat the algae/fallen flake off the gravel; if I had sand, which my son really likes, would they end up ingesting sand??? Is that ok for the fish if they do??? :dunno:

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