hi i am redoing my 60 US gallon planted tank, because i originally had 100% sand, and i heard that it isnt good for plants, so i am going to be adding some SeaChem flourite to my tank as substrate. This brings me to my questions:
1. Should i do 2 inches of flourite and one inch of sand on top, or 100% flourite?
2. Will kuhli loaches be ok in flourite? I wanted something to stir up sand and pockets and stuff, and liked them, but i wont get them if you think they wont work as well.
3. Should i add flourite liquid fertilizer when i have the substrate in?
4. (this depends on answer to number one) how many pounds/bags should i use of sand (if used) and flourite for my 60 Gallon tank?
5. What about using laterite, i can get my hands on "Pure Laterite by Aquarium pharmacuticles" and i could add that to the sand, but what do you think is better?
i may have more questions later, but this is all i have right now, please if you can help me, then please do !!!
1. Should i do 2 inches of flourite and one inch of sand on top, or 100% flourite?
2. Will kuhli loaches be ok in flourite? I wanted something to stir up sand and pockets and stuff, and liked them, but i wont get them if you think they wont work as well.
3. Should i add flourite liquid fertilizer when i have the substrate in?
4. (this depends on answer to number one) how many pounds/bags should i use of sand (if used) and flourite for my 60 Gallon tank?
5. What about using laterite, i can get my hands on "Pure Laterite by Aquarium pharmacuticles" and i could add that to the sand, but what do you think is better?
i may have more questions later, but this is all i have right now, please if you can help me, then please do !!!