Substrate Question


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2010
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Bishop Auckland
OK, so I am 14 days into my fishless cycle and I am re-thinking my substrate due to deciding to stock with Malawi's.

I have read a number of different suggestions which have left me wondering what to do.

At the moment I have a general gravel which I think is a mix of different types, but it doesn't seem like it would be easy for the fish to dig in and I am worried some of it may be too sharp. The LFS have also advised to mix in some crushed coral to raise the pH, but other things I have read suggest this could harm the fish when digging and that it should be placed in the filter.

I was thinking about changing to sand, but then thought that this may cloud the water, plus not really sure what type of sand would be best. Also wondering what effect this will have on the cycle - I am not in any rush to stock the tank as I want to get the conditions perfect first, but obviosuly need to know what to be looking out for if I do remove the gravel.

What do others have in their Malawi setups and is there a recommended material?
(I have also seen the Eco-Complete - Does anyone have this and recommend it, or is it just a marketing ploy?)
Going to order 4 bags of the Eco-Complete cichlid and see how I get on with that.

Hopefully it wont slow down getting cycled by too much doing a change at this point, but I think its for the best in the long run.
Your tap water may be 6.5 straight out of the tap, but after the CO2 has gassed off it will more likely be 7-7.5, you could do one of three things:

You could use ocean rock
you could use coral sand
you could use your own buffer made from sodium hydrogen carbonate, magnesium sulphate and tonic salts.
One of the advantages of crushed coral in a mesh bag in the filter is that it can be removed easily if you change your mind. It also makes it easier to clean, as it needs to be maintained with clean surfaces or it will not be able to dissolve as well. Having it in a controlled spot also allows you to more easily control the amount. Deciding to alter your mineral content and pH away from that of your base source water is a big decision as it means you've got to keep maintaining it that way month after month, year after year unless at some point you slowly back off. Its wise to start with a small amount.


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