I have a new/unused aquarium (Fluval Duo Deep 600: 600x350x400mm) and want to use real plants in a tropical set up. Discussing this at my LFS, I walked out with the following: a small box of 'first layer Laterite'; a bag of 'Red Sea Florabase' and a bag of aquarium-specific sand - to mix with the 'Red Sea Florabase' to improve the plant holding qualities of the substrate (I have been told to rinse the sand first). Had a quick look on the web on this subject/products and found mixed views: some people love it for it's 'planting' and 'natural looking' qualities; some hate it as apparently it's very messy, creating a red dust/mist over the tank contents; is easily stirred up by bottom feeders - and has to be replaced every year (and it ain't cheap!). What are my alternatives with what I have for a cleaner/less hassle aqaurium substrate? Can I use a small sized standard aquarium gravel 'over' the First Layer Laterite instead of the Red Sea Florabase and sand? Or a layer of gravel over the Laterite and Florabase? Or what about just the Florabase first, forget about the Laterite, and put gravel over the top? (will there be enough 'rooting' depth/density to hold plants down with just the Laterite layer and gravel over the top?