I’m slowly getting ready to start up my last 2 built in tanks, both are 30 gallon longs, they are under my 45 gallon tanks, so not as visible as the top tanks… so when I began to restart tanks a couple years ago, it’s been the plan to use these as breeders… I ran new air lines this week ( see my Big Block thread ) so I maybe should fill the 1st one ( requires cleaning out 25 year old contents, including gravel ) at that point, wondering what to put in for substrate ( I know I could do no substrate ) but prefer something, probably just enough to cover the bottom… trouble is, I don’t know what I want to put in there… 4 substrates I’m leaning towards… 2 are black, polished river rock, like I have in my African tank, and black sand like I have in my Cichlid tank… the 3rd and 4th are either white, or natural beach sand… thoughts???