Substrate fertilizers

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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I have some amazon swords in my tank that I've noticed lately aren't doing so hot. The newer leaves are pale, so I think I need to use some substrate fertilizer. I just want to make sure before I go ahead with this, as I'm very new to plant care, that the average substrate fertilizer tablet will not harm any of my fish. I keep loaches, which are considered scaleless and as such are very sensitive to added chemicals in the water. I'd appreciate any answers I can get
Im not familar with loaches as i have never kept any, but root tabs are harmless to most fish as far as i am aware and are used widely, i have never read reports of them leaking harmful chemicals into the water column.

But perhaps double check in the appropriate sub forum for fish of this species and see if any other members have used root tabs in their tanks with loaches.
As far I am aware all fertilisers designed for aquarium use are harmless to fish. The compounds contained are measurable in a few parts per million in water. One could actually say that indirectly fertilisers actually can increase fish health by boosting plant growth thus increasing uptake of harmful/toxic compounds i.e. ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, copper and various other heavy metals.

I have kept Botia striata with no ill effect whilst using laterite and other substrate ferts.

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