Substrate Choices


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2007
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I've just finished reading the first chapter of my new book and so have my first question.. I'm sure the first in a long line!

The book explained the pros and cons of no substrate, deep sand beds and plenum but didn't mention an in-between. Although I like the idea of the de-nitafying qualities of deep sand beds but, with the 200ltr tank I plan on using I fear it would make it look smaller because of the amount of space it takes up not to mention the cost of buying the live sand for it.

I assume just having a thin layer of sand is fine? Would 1-2" be okay? If it's not going to be a DSB, is it still wise to buy live sand?
I wouldn't bother with live sand, especially if you plan to have live rock - your money is much better spent there.

Arogonite sand is a good place to start - depending upon what you want to keep (fish crustacea and inverts-wise) you could consider a medium grade or mixture of coarse and fine. An inch or two is fine - maybe a tad more if you have burrowing inhabitants?

In a 200ltr tank you would have plenty of room for live rock and that will take care of the de-nitrifying, so long as stocking levels, flow rates and live rock quantities were good. The live rock would also 'seed' the sand over time so it would become 'live sand' anyways.

What you planning to keep?
Okay, thanks.

I have no idea what to keep yet, I've only just started researching.. Just starting to plan out what I need to get and doing lots of reading!
Okay, thanks.

I have no idea what to keep yet, I've only just started researching.. Just starting to plan out what I need to get and doing lots of reading!

Lots of reading is right. I'll agree with bobf too, get some aragonite sand, probably 20-30lbs or so for a tank that size.

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