Stupid Wal-mart


(\/)4R'/... betta freak
Oct 10, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
They got a new "supply" of fish in yesterday. I've never seen them carry any big fish apart from goldfish and angefish but they have oscars now :sick: :shout: about 10 in a 5 gallon. They also have about 20 angelfish and 5 balloon mollies in a 5 gallon. 5 mollies were dead and a bunch of angels were in a corner. They got new guppies, appearantley one of the females had fry cuz there were 5 babies at the back of the tank (brought back 2 for free!). I was really shocked, they had about 6 orandas in a 5gallon, 6 lionheads in a five gallon. On the up side though, the clerk seemed to know her stuff. A little girl came in asking for goldfish, she got 2 lionheads and 3 comets. But the clerk told her what size tank they needed, and when the girl asked for angelfish she told her that they couldn't go together. She also gave me the fry I mentioned before for free. Which was pretty nice. I'm still not buying any more fish from there though :angry:
Thats horrible but true. I've seen walmart sell goldfish bunched together with hardly any swimming space, and even puffers together, needless to say their fins were nearly non existent. But I'm glad to hear that you mentioned to save some fry from the same fate their parents had :sad:
My local WalMart has a pretty poor selection of fish. The selection is very limited and their tanks look neglected. Their prices are good, especially on the food and supplies.
At my wal-mart they had about 11-15 oscars in one 5 gallon tank all the sides were brown with algae. It was just horrible. I go to pets-mart they are great there.
I hater walmart, but there food/ other supplies are cheap. I am not very fond of petsmart, but Maybe well all havent had bad experiences. I love homeowned stores because they know their stuff, and are very freindly.
We dont have walmart in Australia. It sounds so bad after reading everything on here.

Is it like some big huge shop that sells food and clothes too?
Walmert sells, food, clothing, bikes/ other outdoor equitment, plants, fish, electronics, and many other things, but they are cheap. Google Walmart and you will see.
Walmart is crap IMO, they put small localy owned shops out of business, I've witnessed it first hand myself. And I feel its kinda ironic how everybody complains about their fish but still supports the store because they are "cheap". You can start complaining when you stop shopping there.
I only go there for the cheap fish food, but there isnt a very good selection anyway. A fish guy also told me that there reason it isnt best to keep 2 male mollies in the same tank is becasue the males will eat eachother and they also told me that mollies were a cichlids and they cuold beat up a oscar! Where are they coming from? They do put alot of stores outta bussiness.
I like walmart, when it's no run by idiots.. which is hard to come by :\
As for thier fish section, thankfully the local ones here have gotten rid of all of thier fish.
But from what I heard from a girl at the Superpets here....
To get rid of all of the fish, they just shut off everything and were just going to let them die. WTH!!
That's just coldblooded. She said she saved like a dozen (I think.. could've been more.. can't remember how many she said)...
I just hope more people saved as many as they could as well.

I am glad they kept their fish supplies though! We just got a 5gal Hex tank for 10bucks cheaper than everywhere else :) And I also got my 10gal lightbulbs from that section as well that aren't sold anywhere else.
But from what I heard from a girl at the Superpets here....
To get rid of all of the fish, they just shut off everything and were just going to let them die. WTH!!
That's just coldblooded. She said she saved like a dozen (I think.. could've been more.. can't remember how many she said)...
I just hope more people saved as many as they could as well.

WTF do they think they are doing????????????????? When you say superpets, does there logo have a cat with a cape that has a "S" on it?
This would be why I don't buy any supplies from Wal-mart or the other big chain pet stores like Petco and Petsmart unless I need something in an emergency situation. :no: There are a few scattered stores that sometimes manage to hire a knowledgeable fishkeeper or two, but I'm not very interested in keeping the chains as a whole in business.

Lucky for me I have a tiny fish store in town completely owned an operated by a husband and wife that have fabulous stocking of both their dry goods and livestock, not to mention it's usually much cheaper all around than the chains, I don't know how they do it. :fun: If I need bulk dry goods, there are plenty of catalogs that stock only dry goods and I've never been in a store that was cheaper.

Edited because I fail at spelling tonight.
Well if we had to depend on "local" or "mom and pop" stores growing up, we would have all likely starved to death and gone naked because all we had was Wal-mart, and we had to drive over an hour each way to get there! Their low prices really helped us, and still help us. Around here, there's mostly Kroger's around and they're expensive!! I'll take Wal-mart over any store, any day! The ones around me stopped carrying fish all together now, too. (They still sell aquariums and supplies though).
Walmart is crap IMO, they put small localy owned shops out of business, I've witnessed it first hand myself. And I feel its kinda ironic how everybody complains about their fish but still supports the store because they are "cheap". You can start complaining when you stop shopping there.

So do you want there to be no chains at all? There's a reason why Walmart is rich, its because they are smart, they made it so that anybody could get anything at low prices. They are probably better then the mom and pop stores, and that is why they won out and became rich. Of course mom and pop stores still win out in animal caretaking though. If all chains were destroyed today, some mom and pop store will emerge and become the new walmart. Jeez, I get so sick with people who hate Walmart just because they are successful.

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