Stupid Vacation.


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
30 gallon: Ok here is the deal. I went on vacation for about 5 days. When I got home today I foun that one of my Emril Corys was dead. All 16 of my juvanile mollies are missing. (These juvanile mollies were not fry iether. They were almost a year old. There is also nothing in my tank that could really eat them.) 1 of my gold clown plecos is missing. My butterfly fish will not eat. And all my fish are supper skinny. I did not starve my fish, I gave them a huge some of food before I left. I used one of those vacation feeders. There was plenty of live plants so if my herbavores were hungry they could eat them.

20 gallon: My 20 gallon curently has nothing in it. I was cycleing it over vacation. When I got back there was a white cloudy puffy bubble filled with some kind of brown colored waste. And my tank is covered with a thik slimey alergie growth.

So ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what in the samhell is going on.

Poor fishies :-(
Your creyfish probably ate them. they are quite adept at atching fish. Also the vacation feeder blocks are bad bussiness they change your water chems your best off with one of those electric feeders. As for giveing them lots of food right before you leave its not a good idea. You can fatten them up over a long period of time but a huge feeding isnt absorbed as well as a small feeding.
Butterflyfish are voracious preditors and got hungry. That's where your mollies went. The upsurge of waste in the tank from the vacation feeder's uneaten food has caused the water to be nasty killed your cory and made your plec go into hiding.

Have your checked your water's parameters?
yes i have
and the water is fine.

are u sure the butterfly fish could eat 16 mollies in 5 days?

as for the pleco i can't seem to finned him.

sorry if i sounded like i snapped
samsung-401 said:
are u sure the butterfly fish could eat 16 mollies in 5 days?
Yep. You said that they are big.

Our two small dragon puffers swallowed 30 shrimp a third their size in six hours.
I really say that the hungry crayfish had something to do with it I've seen a 6 inch cray fish catch and eat an 8 inch trout. They are alot better preditors than most ppl give them credit for.

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