Stupid Vacation. Problems it has caused.

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Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
30 gallon: Ok here is the deal. I went on vacation for about 5 days. When I got home today I foun that one of my Emril Corys was dead. All 16 of my juvanile mollies are missing. (These juvanile mollies were not fry iether. They were almost a year old. There is also nothing in my tank that could really eat them.) 1 of my gold clown plecos is missing. My butterfly fish will not eat. And all my fish are supper skinny. I did not starve my fish, I gave them a huge some of food before I left. I used one of those vacation feeders. There was plenty of live plants so if my herbavores were hungry they could eat them.

20 gallon: My 20 gallon curently has nothing in it. I was cycleing it over vacation. When I got back there was a white cloudy puffy bubble filled with some kind of brown colored waste. And my tank is covered with a thik slimey alergie growth.

So ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what in the samhell is going on.

Poor fishies :-(
May have been that feeder.............. not sure.

But you were better off not feeding them at all.
Thats alot of missing fish, I would say you were robbed :blink:

Check your filter maybe they were sucked up :dunno: I really dunno.

But I know those feeders usually cause more harm then good
Do they really? I was ready to use when for when I go on vacation. Why do they do harm? Aren't they just supposed to release food gradually?

I have no clue where your missing fish went, but is there any chance at all that they were eaten?? Weird!
Are you guys talking about the electronic feeders that release flake each day or those plaster clumps you drop in the tank?
cometcattle said:
Are you guys talking about the electronic feeders that release flake each day or those plaster clumps you drop in the tank?
Yeah, that makes a difference and I am not sure which we are talking about. The electronic ones are ok, just test a few days before you go to make sure it works and to get the amount of food right. Those plaster pyramids are garbage. They have a lot of plaster in them and do more to poluute your water than they do to feed your fish. I'd stay far, far away from them.

I notice you have a crayfish in the 30 gallon tank. It's possible he was snacking on your fish. It seems pretty clear that something ate them, unless the aliens have learned all they could from humans and cows ;). In any event, they either died for some reason (what are your water parameters?) and then were eaten, or they were eaten beofre they died.

I second the crayfish theory. The only thing in there that could possibly eat that many fish in that amount of time is the crayfish if not that then the robbed theory is my next guess.

Your fish should not be super skinny if you were only gone 5 days. In that amount of time i doubt you would notice any difference even if you didnt feed them at all. If your fish are real skinny i would look closely to see if there are any other signs of disease, like inactivity, eyes not bright, surface hugging, hiding etc.

What colour is the algae in the 20 Gal? if it is brown then this is quite normal. What are the parameters in the cycling tank? Did you have an ammonia source being given to the tank while you were gone? keep us posted :)
The fish in my 30 are fine. I took out the crayfish and re located him to a smaller tank. But now the tank smells like A55 :crazy: . Not very pleasent.

The alergie in my tank is clear, could that be a problem? :unsure:

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