Stupid Question...


Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Are there any shrimp that could be kept together with an angelfish?
Or is that just asking for it?
Pretty much all shrimp can go with angel fish, amano/cherry/bumble-bee/vampire.

The only things you need to watch out are crayfish and lobsters.

I have to disagree, I would say the only shrimp safe to keep with angels are the larger fan shrimp or large amanos but even then I would expect the angels to pick at them.

Bumblebees and cherrys in particular wont last long with even small angels.
I have to disagree, I would say the only shrimp safe to keep with angels are the larger fan shrimp or large amanos but even then I would expect the angels to pick at them.

Bumblebees and cherrys in particular wont last long with even small angels.

i have to say this is my experience too.

on te point of Crayfish and Lobsters. i'd avoid putting Lobsters in your tank. not because of aggression. but because they are Saltwater, so wont last long in a Fresh tank.
I have to disagree, I would say the only shrimp safe to keep with angels are the larger fan shrimp or large amanos but even then I would expect the angels to pick at them.
i have to say this is my experience too.
I thought as much, could anyone recomend a suitable invertebrate tank partner? I have no specifics in mind just something to add a little non-fishiness to my tank?
I already plan on adding a clam and i don't want a frog due to my two dwarf gouramis timid nature....
Ta for the posts.
you could try some sort of large snail, but i dont know much about angel fish,all i know is that they eat allot of invertabrates.
wood or bamboo shrimp, spend most of their time hidden away. if you give them a area to hang on just above an air stone. they will live quite happily, even with angels. need to make sure you crumble their food till it makes the water milky, then they will not scavenge on the gravel making them vulnerable.
Interesting bobo, many thanks.
I'll have to do some research on them.
Ta :good:
we've had sucess with angels and amano shrimp, however this is in a very heavily planted tank. unless you give the shrimp a hell of a lot of cover to hide in you'll struggle, especially considering your angel likes to try and eat her companions!!
Yeah thought as much, maybe she was just trying to kiss the minnows?
The tart!
Doubt i'll risk the shrimp, i just want a nice peaceful tank....
Like you say, i have plenty of time for research due to planning a fishless cycle :hyper: (fishless wha...?)
So i'll hopefully get it right this time!

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