Stupid question


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Nowhere, Mississippi
Wow, I feel like I have ventured into the Forbidden Forest...I usually always stick to the Freshwater side...Hello, all you Marine Keeper Strangers...

Anyhow, to my point. What kind of fish was Dorie from Finding Nemo? SHe was blue with dark markings and yellow fins. Some kind of tang, maybe?

Forgive my utter ignorance.
she might also be listed as a hippo tang depends where you go I guess
She was either a PBT (Powder Blue tang) or a Regal

Havent seen Nemo for ages

Check Here

Paracanthurus hepatus

take your pick of common names

regal, hippo, palette, blue etc.
Chac said:
She was either a PBT (Powder Blue tang) or a Regal

She was not a powder blue tang.
The common name is Pacific Blue Tang. But there are many others.
Most sites say 70 gallons, but my exsperience says otherwise.
They are a grazing fish and swim alot looking for algea, I would say at least a 90 - 100Gal.
Also, They are also required a mature reef, i would not recommend one for at least 6 months.
Why do they require a "mature reef"?

they graze on algae - but a tank doesn't have to be that old, or a reef, to have some nice algae.
they should be supplemented with nori daily
From past experience.
I would wait till i was to put a $200 fish into an aquarium....
and i thought fish here were expensive.
I assume you mean US dollars, but even if it's australian or something, that's still a lot for a regal tang.
I can get regal tangs in the uk for about £25, which is about $35 US dollars.

I do agree though that they need a mature system. The rason for this however is down ot the fact that these fish are easily stressed and catch whitespot at the blink of an eye. So any sudden changes in water conditions or new additions that are always added to new systems might upset them and cause a whitespot outbreak.
I don't think they are called powder blue tangs those are something else I belelive but I could be wrong.
they are deffinatly not powder blue's.
In aus fish are so dam expensive!!!
Yellow tangs are about $120
All tangs here are prob the most expensive fish out.
Christs_Knight said:
they are deffinatly not powder blue's.
In aus fish are so dam expensive!!!
Yellow tangs are about $120
All tangs here are prob the most expensive fish out.

You think that $120 for a tang is dear here in Aus, try buying a large peppermint bristlenose catfish, you're looking at upwards of around 600-800 bucks each for a decent size. $120 is fairly cheap compared to alot of the fish here in Aus, especially the more exotic types (when/if you can find them that is).
lol i can second that!
I had 3 peppermint bnose's i bought them at bout 1" all up cost me $430
But they gave me years of fun.
Dorie was/is a......

Pain in the A***

Just happens that my surname is Dorey! Can't go to a lfs without looking up every 5 seconds thinking someone has called for me.

Feel sorry for my wife. She teaches 5 year olds.


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