Stupid Question, Maybe...?


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
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If I have a female gold gourami in a 20 gallon tank with some swordtails i'm going to get rid of...

Do you think a pearl gourami, preferably a male, would get along ok with her.

It is a planted tank, with many hiding places...

Just brainstorming on what I could do...
Firstly...the only stupid question is the one you DON'T ask !!!!!!

Personally, i wouldn't risk it. Gold gouramies can be pretty evil when they want to be and by adding some competition to her terratory, the poor pearl may get a good "kicking"

In my humble opinion.

Your tank is big enough to create the territory for a second gourami. Pearls are less agressive than gold ones, but being your current one a female it might be ok to add a pearl. By the way, you do not need to get rid of the swordtails if you don't want to; there would be enough space for all of them.
Well, I have about 5, and a few catfish, so space might be kinda tight, so I don't particularly wanna risk it.

My gourami seems very timid though. She just pokes around calmly.

But if I get one, would you guys recomend a male or female?

I just feel bad getting rid of my swordtails. I really like them, but they're boring. =/
unless you wanted to breed them, they get along much better females only.

There is no such thing as a stupid question unless you already know the answer.
Poking around calmly can also be a sign of sovereignity; my dwarf doesn't move much, but all other fish stay out of his reach......

A male pearl should be fine. Maybe there will be some quarreling in the beginning, but once they agree on territories, it should be ok.
I guess I'll try a male. Thanks a lot guys. This is a great forum. Kudos everybody =D

Last thing, I promise. Can a gold gourami breed with a pearl?
i would think so since they are the same species but different colors, but i am not 100% positive.
Ahem?? All was acceptable, but now we're entering the "stupid question" zone... (sorry, could'nt resist), but no..... Pearls and goldens won't interbreed.

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