Stupid Question About Ro Units


Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Just wanted to double check something..

Looking at RO units (specifically the RO-Man ones 50GPD with RO/DI). From what I understand these need to be permenently connected with water flowing through them?

My question is just can you cut the flow right down to a lot less (next to nothing) when you dont need it? I'm sure you must be able to (I dont think many people used 50GPD!) but just wanted to double check before I bought one :)

Next stupid question is assuming the RO water is kept in a sealed bottle how long is it safe to store it for?

I could find lots of information about the technical specs of the RO units but nothing about this :)
The water doesn't need to be constantly flowing through them, you make what you need and turn it off.

It's just water, as long as the bottle is clean... a long time :dunno: I don't tend to keep it for more than a week though.
The water doesn't need to be constantly flowing through them, you make what you need and turn it off.

It's just water, as long as the bottle is clean... a long time :dunno: I don't tend to keep it for more than a week though.

Ahh ok thanks :)

Its one of them things where it is really simple when its sitting in front of you but when your trying to read about it on the net it seems a lot more complicated :)
attach valves to the ends of the tubing and turn on and turn off as you please.

Do you want detailed pics on everything the RO unit should have and how it is set up? I can give them to you....
Just an FYI, try to match the RO GPD to the gallon rating of your tank. So if you have a ~50 gal tank, go with a 50GPD, or if you hae a 75g tank, go with 75GPD, etc. The GPD rating on the RO units is a best-case scenario, and rarely does the RO unit ever operate that fast, especially in the winter months when it's cold. If you buy an undersized RO unit for a big tank you'll be frustrated with how long it takes to make water ;)
Didnt ro man used to sponsor this forum, and all members could get a discount? Or was that someone else and i am going totally crazy!?!?!?!!?
Just an FYI, try to match the RO GPD to the gallon rating of your tank. So if you have a ~50 gal tank, go with a 50GPD, or if you hae a 75g tank, go with 75GPD, etc. The GPD rating on the RO units is a best-case scenario, and rarely does the RO unit ever operate that fast, especially in the winter months when it's cold. If you buy an undersized RO unit for a big tank you'll be frustrated with how long it takes to make water ;)
No i would go with a 50-75 gpd no matter the tank size unless you know the psi of your water and the temp, i bought a 100 gpd unit and im getting about 50 gpd and its for a 20 gallon tank and i want more...

If you want more water since your pressure is low, you can get a booster pump

If your water is too cold, get 25 feet of RO coil, use that RO coil to feed the unit, fill a bucket with water, put a submersible heater in the bucket and set it to about 75 degrees, maybe more, put as much RO tubing in that bucket as possible, should warm up the water.

YOu also have to watch out since sometimes the higher the GPD goes, the less purifiying it does.
Thanks a lot for the replys and advice all. I really appreciate it, especially as I know it is a very newb question and that you get a lot of newb questions on this part of the forum :)
i can't find it now, but i sweat if was that had a nice article on how to set up an RO to your everyday sink using a simple splitter and and auto off float like a toilet has. with that you can just let it drip into a bucket and not worry about overflow, and just make it as you need it.
Thanks. I saw that thread mentioned elsewhere but couldnt find it and the search wouldsn't let me search for RO :)

Yep, it's a pain when everything is abbreviated on this forum and you can't do short searches.. Google is your friend.. typing:


In google would search for RO on this forum

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