Stupid plec


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
woke up this morning to find that i could see all of my plecs for a change in 1 view so I start looking over them and come to the golden nugget which seems a strange colour and not moving.

in goes the hand to check on itand it had got it's self stuck in a small in the bog wood although it's head was clearly free so not sure exactly sure why it did die. it looked like another plec had done some sucking on it as it's lost a bit of colour :(
Oh no! Your poor little nugget! :(

I've never known a pleco to get wedged anywhere, but I guess it can happen. Maybe something startled him and he locked his fins but they got caught and the other fish began to eat him.

Or it might not have anything to do with being trapped. Plecos often go rigid when they die. I've lost plecos withing days of arrival, seemingly with no symptoms. Sometimes it just happen.
is really annoying, it's the 2nd plec thats died with in a week :(

It's belly seemed a bit tight compared to my pitbull so maybe it's internal but it was the only one so no choice!!
I once knew a royal panaque which burrowed under some wood and it collapsed on it, kinda squashing it outright............. kinda nasty but there is a lesson, remember to bury your rocks/wood in the gravel! sorry just thought it a good time to dispense a moral........
was the gold nugget stuck? You know like in hard to remove from the hole? cause i have doubts that it got stuck naturally
well i couldn't move back but it just slid out going forwards. I'd seen in try to get thorugh the hole before but then backed out.
Ok so the bad news is that the fish is still dead, but the good news is that instead of a golden nugget in our next fish order which gets in thrusday there will be a L200 green spotted plec :D
Sorry to hear about the nugget :( Glad to hear about the L200. I got one a month ago and they are great. He flys out of his cave as soon as a wafer hits the water and its gone in no time :D
yeh right, having shell fish!! :p

I had a look through our order book today and saw all these's L 'numbers so i though how many of them are really nice and can fit in my tank!!

so all L numbers....


dammit it, my new L174 leopard hemiancistrus has done the same thing :-( i had't seen it for a while so had a good look round and found it wedged in a part of my bogwood.
Sorry about your losses Think you need some new Bog wood. Or is one of your other plecs harrassing the smaller ones, forcing them into tight corners?
good luck with the new plecs!!
Hmmm it's kind of the centre piece, although that tank is moving into a 4ft tank in the next few weeks so might wait til then to get the replacement.

I haven't noticed any bullying going on.

my 2 inch pit bull plec had ago at the 5-6inch starry niht ancistrus at first but that was short lived and haven't seen anything since.

i had seen the L174 sucking nearer to the surface of the tank and sitting by the spotted doradids cave bit before.

it was once 1 inch long so i'll see if there's a bigger size on the list and get that instead.
Aw, that's sad. :sad:

I have had a problem with my L052 getting caught in some thread recently (thread ised to attatch java moss to wood :crazy: ) and it was caugt in one of his gills and cut into his nose area by about a cm. He let me pick him up and cut him free though and seems ok now.

Beautiful but sometimes dim creatures.

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