Stupid Mistake


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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I went to vacume my gravel today, so i took out the decorations.. and one of them them had my yoyo laoch in it... i thought lightly shaking it in the water would make sure there were no fish in it.. i set it on a towel when i was done.
While I was vacuming I couldnt find him, so i was freaking out, i went to check my plants and decorations, and thats where he was =( on the towel! I put him back in .. he seems alright =/ . That was the stupidest thing im done, I feel so horrible.

Hope other people dont make this mistake.
We all have weird things happen. It wasn't intentional so don't feel horrible or blame yourself. He'll probably be fine. :rolleyes:
Heh I've had a bristlenose plec and a khuli loach head halfway across the lounge floor before having done the exact same thing.

I regularly forget to turn heaters back on after tank maintenance, but the worst was probably leaving a massive kink in the filter tube after a water change, so basically no water circulation for 12 hours. Tank was a bit of a mess the next day, but no losses thankfully.
I had an apple snail that kept climbing out of the betta tank and crawling on floor while I was at work, scared the crap out of the cats. :rolleyes: I'd come home and it would be half way across the living room, it never seemed to bother him.
my fish? Well he was on the dry side, but he was trying to breath it was so sad. Hes fine now thank goodness.

LOL! Thats so funny. :lol:
Glad he made it.. I acidentley put some new fish into my new tank but forgot to turn the heater on... they were still in there bags thanlfully and it only took me a couple min to remeber so they wwent into another tank lol whoops

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