Stupid fish


May 14, 2004
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Currently mourning the loss of a small dwarf gourami called Scalphead. Why was he called scalphead i here you ask! Well last year he was living in a 15 gallon tank with 2 rams, 2 pygmy corys and 2 peacock gobies and they all lived peacefully!! :D One day I looked in the tank and i couldn't see the dwarf gourami argh where is he? After taking off the lid and moving the plants I found him stuck fast in a hole in the heater guard. :blink: somehow he had got into the heater guard and in trying to get out, he got stuck!! To save him i had to push him backwards quite hard. But he was out but with a large amount of flesh missing from his head, didn't think he was going to last, but he did no fungus got to him and his scales grew back- and got called scalphead and became a favourite because of his stupidity!! :p This morning he died of unknown causes :-(
Anyone else got such a stupid fish? :hey:
Sorry to hear of your loss - I tend to cheer for the underdog, too, and it is hard to lose a favorite :(

I have one now and I am not sure if he is stupid or has a visual-perception problem. Either way, he definately would not be considered the brightest bulb on any Christmas tree. He is a runt and when feeding he always goes after the largest food flakes, which of course he can't eat, and ends up just bumping them out of the way. Also has a habit of going after food, making a mad last second dash for it, and ends up missing the target by about an inch.

Poor little guy works so hard and fails so miserably- he is rapidly becoming a favorite of mine :D
I'm sorry to hear of your loss too...though it's interesting to hear these stories because I can relate. We just lost a powder blue dwarf gourmai on Weds. We only had him for a week. The fish would race around the tank like he was spooked by something, running into plants and ornaments as he did this and would eventually smash his head right into the tank walls. He would do this over and over again. I knew he must have been getting hurt but I didn't know what to do...reach into the tank and grab him?

When I checked on him on Weds morning he was floating upside down.

I wonder if these behaviors are common of these gouramis? Though I have three others and they seem to be OK. What gives? :huh:
Well after Scalphead had his incident his mate died of unknown causes so only recently we bought him a new friend and then scalphead dies!! Go figure!! I bought to powder blue gouramis as well (male & Female) But the female always chased the male and bit his tail. so they are divorced now with the male swimming in my big tank as a nutter being perfectly good friends with an african butterfly fish !! I'll never understand fish!!
i had this supersized swordtail female who seriously looked like she had fishy down-syndrome. she didn't like going for flakes at all in the first 2 weeks i had her, so i eventually had to release flakes under water so some might get to her. her main hobby was staying in one place -really good at that. sadly she died after about 1 month.

thanks for sharing ur story and starting this post aloaring!
i lost four red-finned tetras due to stupidity (glad to say not mine).

my filter intake is realy realy small on my shark filter.. me being me thinkin no fish could get into it.. i was proved wrong.. i had brought five red finned tetras and conditioned them to my tank, not having time to look at them then as i had to pick my daughter up from school... i wish id have spent 5 mins just lookin at them :( because by the time id got back 4 of the 5 had found a way into my filter intake and all 4 were pushed up against the inside of my filter... it was a comical yet horrible sight as each of them were under each other and looked pretty shocked :eek: and my 5th one was lookin at them as if to say 'no im not playin this game... it looks scary :-( '

hated losin so many fish in such a short time... but its learnt me an all the rest of the fish in that tank that filters are dangerose and to never underestimate sizes :(
I lost an Endler's livebearer that way. Got stuck in the current and sucked right up into the filter. I was ticked off because I searched my LFS for days looking for these fish.
i have a red betta named bob. he is absolutly beautiful, but really stupid. :huh: when i feed him most of the time he swims around in circles then acts like he is stalking his food. :ninja: sometimes he stalks his snail and then he tries to eat it. it is much too large for him to eat, but he usually winds up knocking it off the side of the tank and then he will swim down and flare at it for a while. he also flares every time he sees my husband. :dunno:
I have a male betta too, well his not stupid but he hates everything around him. I was cleaning his tank once and he bit me... the little rat. He also attacks the Java Moss I put into his tank and his food. His a strange little betta.
QUOTE (karrihug @ May 28 2004, 11:05 PM)
he also flares every time he sees my husband.

have you considered that your husband might actually resemble a male betta?

come to think of it, i am sure i have seen my husband flare :D
:( i lost a glass catfish i came home and he was swimming really funky later he couldnt even swim at all my red clawed crab was holding him so i put him in a cup next day he died :sad:
my stupidest fish is my goldfish. when we got him he used 2 live in a 5g. tank w/4 friends. well he used to always ram up against the tank walls. that was like the only thing he did for three weeks. im suprised hes still alive.

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