Stupid bristlenose!!


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I was sitting here on the computer and suddenly I heard this wierd floppy noise, like when somethings sorta in the water but not. Looked over thinking it was just the pictus being wierd again, but he was fine. Molly was fine, little firemouth still in his net thingy... wait a minute, where's the bristlenose? Thus insues a panicked search around the tank looking for a plop mark of water, and hoping to god he didn't fall behind the dresser I have the tank on. Well, finally got the bright idea to peek into the filter, and that's where the little bugger was hiding! So, had to unplug it, empty it, and then sort of scoot him out with the handle of my net (since I saw what can happen when you catch them in a regular net at the store, poor lady was so tired she forgot to grab her black net and he ended up getting stuck there for a minute or two) so nows he's chilling out behind a fake plant. Silly bristle, filters are for poop :rolleyes:
I went to clean out our filter the other day and found it to be full of khuli loaches.

So that's where they all went!
:lol: My BN Plecs had some fry a few days ago and i could only spot 4 of them. I thought to myself, there must be more than this!

I took out my filter and put it in a bucket of tank water, took it appart and about 10 BN fry poped out! :p
I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't just hang up a sign that says 'Bristlenose hangout' on the

Can't imagine finding a filter full of khulies though.... You take the cake on that one!
My Khulies live in my Juwel filter. I panicked when I first saw them comming out from the grill. But they are fine.
I have a yoyo loach that likes to vacation in my filter from time to time. He will spend hours trying to jump into the filter outflow, and then splashes about once inside. Once he has spent some time playing there and I put him back in the tank he is fine and won't try it again for a few week. Weird fish. -_-
KentBlokey said:
My Khulies live in my Juwel filter. I panicked when I first saw them comming out from the grill. But they are fine.
Yep, our khulies are in a Juwel filter too.
We have two filters on the tank, the Juwel internal & a canister external as we have a lot of plecos in that tank.
My first bristlenose managed to totally clear the juwel filter box, and then jump out of the cutout in the hood behind the filter :eek: Unfortunately i didnt find him till the next morning, poor little guy. I'm thinking now maybe he jumped into the filter box, and then back out the wrong way. either way the cutout is now well and truly sealed!!

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