Stupid Betta

Butterfly Betta

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Okay, for two weeks, I have kept two male Bettas and three females in a ten gallon tank.

One nasty male and one nasty female, have been floating in two seperate plastic breeding traps. I kept a lid over top of both traps and tapped the traps so that there was no way that the tops would go below the water level.

That has been like that for two weeks. But when I came down to the basement ealier today, the male Betta who was usually in the trap, was out in the main tank with most of his fins torn. :blink:

Stupid, stupid betta. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

No worries though, I have added some anti fungus and some melafix, he should be fine hopefully.
Breeding traps usually don't work as a good betta container in a larger tank. You should get the mean male his own little abode.
I'd love to put him in one the 2.5 gallons that I have.

But the water gets pretty cold and there is no heater around that can heater a 2.5 gallon without the worry of overheating.

The temperature is so cool, during the night when the light overhead is off, that it took me six days to hatch brine shrimp for platy fry when i bred platy.
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Breeding traps usually don't work as a good betta container in a larger tank. You should get the mean male his own little abode.
I agree. I had to put my Male betta in a breeding trap in my 40gal tank because he would not stop flaring at and chasing my convict cichilids. It got to a point where they were all hiding behind plants. I put him in and he seemed pretty sad. I lost the lid to the trap so this morning i discovered he had jumped back into the main tank :sly:

For the most part he leaves them alone now but i still catch him chasing them. I don't want to put him back in the 1 gallon tank because he's 10X more livlier in the big tank. Of course it would be kinda funny to think that i was removing him from a cichlid tank because he was picking on the cichlids! :lol:

The tiger barbs do nip at his fins once in a while. His tail has a few splits but i think it's a good compromise. He had beautiful fins but sulked in his 1 gal. Now he's the most active ever so a few torn fins is ok. He's about 1.5 years old so he's nearing the end of his life and i want him to be happy in the 40gal for as long as he can.
You might be able to get away with keeping a male and a female in a very large well planted tank, but it's going to be very difficult in a 10gal.

Keeping two males and three females in the same tank is asking for trouble. As you've already found, the males will fight and cause each other injury/death. Females usually form a 'pecking order' when kept in groups and there may be a lot of bullying involved.

I read on your other post that you're trying to breed them. The male will probably pick a female, with the other two being seen as a threat and therefore attacked. Also after breeding the males will sometimes attack the females, if he thinks that they're a threat to the bubble nest.

What are your plans for dealing with any betta fry?
:hi: Sheffbetta

Now that I think about it, all the times I've welcomed people today, they might have just had to re-register. :*)

Anywho, don't keep two males together. Don't keep any fish other than the male betta in after the eggs are in the bubble nest.

All the details should be in the pinned article if you didn't know the facts. (Though I haven't read into it, either).
If you read the whole post, you would have seen that everything was prefectly fine until the blue male [my oldest called Bossy] jumped into the main tank.

Now, the fish are fine, three females are swimming together in the front of the tank and the newest male [Shy-Guy] is right with them.

No ripped fins.

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