Stuff To Add To Ro Water To Make It Right For Malawi's

blue acara

Fish Herder
Jul 2, 2006
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ive just ordered an ro unit :) i know you can get stuff to add to the water to make it perfect for marine, and im hoping its the same for african. do anyone know where to get it? put a link on here if you do.

yer hardness, ph and all the elements needed, what im really looking for is something i can add to the water before adding to the tank-when doing water changes
Ahhhh i always put AquaSafe and aquarium salt both found at petsmart :nod:
why on earth are you using a RO for a cichlid tank? unless your keeping discus theres no need. it softens the water tooooo much so why bother with chemicals that you could FK up real easy.
why on earth are you using a RO for a cichlid tank? unless your keeping discus theres no need. it softens the water tooooo much so why bother with chemicals that you could FK up real easy.

because the tap is 40-50 ppm nitrate-i want perfect conditions for my fish
GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? I'm sorry you have to live with that... :sick:

(mental note; never move to London...period!!!)
I think that the crushed coral substrate and about 1 tblspn of aquarium salt added new water during changes should be all you need. Baking soda, calcium carbonate rocks as decor can help buffer PH as well.

I prefer not to routinely add chemicals to my tanks.
Coral sand substrate will help but not much I use the CF Buffer recipe works really well it helps if you`ve got a PH meter just use Bicarbonate of Soda and Epsom salts they are both really cheap to buy and I`m certain are the same as the commercial buffers, I also add Cichid trace elements. My tap water is around PH7.0 GH4 KH4 and I`ve kept my tank fairly constant at PH8.3 GH17 KH18 using bicarb and Epsom salts.

Both Seachem and Kent do a full range of buffers for African Cichlids but it costs a bit more than the home made buffers.

Buffer Recipe

Seachem Range

Mix half and half with tap water for all the elements you need. pH buffers are your substrate and rocks.

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