Stuck With A Chinese Algae Eater


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2006
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I want to warn all new aquarium owners - never trust the LFS! Mine told me that gouramis like to be in groups, that mollies were not livebearers, and that my Chinese Algae Easter would stay small and would be fine with other fish!!

George (named after a particularly grumpy aquaintance) was nice at first, munching on the algae, and his antics were fun to watch, but he's now almost four inches long and already starting to chase the other fish. What do I do? I'm hoping the lfs store will take him back, but I don't know.

I have a 29 gallon tank with the following:

4 black long-finned tetras
3 mollies, one male, two female (lost two others)
2 platys, one male, one female
6 neon tetras (I have heard they are hard but I've never lost one)
1 otto
4 unknown fish that are yellow with a black stripe. The LFS told me they were lemon tetras but months after I got them I looked at a picture of lemon tetras and they look nothing like them. Wrong body type, wrong color, definitely something different. They are 2 inches and I have no idea what they are.

I also have a five gallon with a betta.
I would suggest going back to the shop/person that sold you the CAE and talk to them in person. If they misinformed you on a product they were selling and you bought it becuase you believed that information was true i don't see why they wouldn't take it back.

Also, I'm sure the LFS didn't inform you of this but Mollies tend to do better in brackish water (although some don't seem to have trouble in fresh water)
You should definately get store credit on the chinese algae eater. Try it. :) Also can you post pics of the unknown fish?
It may not even be deliberate deception on the part of your lfs. Unless they are themselves hobbyists, most lfs staff only see fish as juveniles; they may have no idea what a fully grown CAE looks like or behaves like. I sometimes think taking lfs staff's advice on fishkeeping is like taking the midwife's advice on teenage management- she may be very good, but I would want to know if she had children of her own first!
It may not even be deliberate deception on the part of your lfs. Unless they are themselves hobbyists, most lfs staff only see fish as juveniles; they may have no idea what a fully grown CAE looks like or behaves like. I sometimes think taking lfs staff's advice on fishkeeping is like taking the midwife's advice on teenage management- she may be very good, but I would want to know if she had children of her own first!

Absolutely fantastic comparason!
yeah hopefully the lfs should take him back, this is why you should always do your research before you buy anything. If you find you struggle with impulse buy's then take a fish book to the lfs with you and you can look up anything you fancy :)

If they won't take him back then try posting in the buy, sell and swap section see if anyone wants him. Or if he gets so big he's unmanageable then you can try public aquarium's.
i was miss sold a couple of the golden Chinese algae eaters, they did do a good job of cleaning the algae but were starting to become aggressive towards 1 of my albino Cory's so moved them on to the brother in laws tank, even though iv only been in the hobby 6 weeks iv come to the conclusion that any lfs that sells these is only after a quick buck, all the lfs that iv been at that seem to be more about good quality service dont stock these horrible fish ...
It seems they often start misbehaving at around 4" mark - though often smaller and younger too.
When mine started chasing other fish, I took it back to my lfs - and they asked if I wanted another small one to replace it with. :lol: I said no thanks.

I'll never have a CAE again - as fantastic as they are eating algae for the first few years and as cute and curious as they are in the tank.
i was miss sold a couple of the golden Chinese algae eaters, they did do a good job of cleaning the algae but were starting to become aggressive towards 1 of my albino Cory's so moved them on to the brother in laws tank, even though iv only been in the hobby 6 weeks iv come to the conclusion that any lfs that sells these is only after a quick buck, all the lfs that iv been at that seem to be more about good quality service dont stock these horrible fish ...

pretty much, it's the same with pangasius cats, look like lovely cute little catfish usually sold at 2/3" for a few quid... get to 4 foot long :X

not always the case, my fave lfs stocks them. but we like the lfs cos the manager of the fish bit is great, but I know he doesn't always have control over ordering and suppliers so he might have just been dumped with them. :/
I have until recently had two Flying Foxes. I'm not too sure, but I don't think these are the same as CAE's. However, the larger of the two FF's was agressive towards the smaller one, until I decided enough was enough. I and my son eventually managed to catch him and the LFS took him back with no problems atall. Since he's been gone, the smaller FF has come on in leaps and bounds, eating and growing. At the moment he is less than 2" long, and is very peaceful. I shall keep a very keen eye on him as he grows, though.
I have until recently had two Flying Foxes. I'm not too sure, but I don't think these are the same as CAE's. However, the larger of the two FF's was agressive towards the smaller one, until I decided enough was enough. I and my son eventually managed to catch him and the LFS took him back with no problems atall. Since he's been gone, the smaller FF has come on in leaps and bounds, eating and growing. At the moment he is less than 2" long, and is very peaceful. I shall keep a very keen eye on him as he grows, though.

nah I don't think they're the same thing. CAE's can get to 18" :/
I have until recently had two Flying Foxes. I'm not too sure, but I don't think these are the same as CAE's. However, the larger of the two FF's was agressive towards the smaller one, until I decided enough was enough. I and my son eventually managed to catch him and the LFS took him back with no problems atall. Since he's been gone, the smaller FF has come on in leaps and bounds, eating and growing. At the moment he is less than 2" long, and is very peaceful. I shall keep a very keen eye on him as he grows, though.

nah I don't think they're the same thing. CAE's can get to 18" :/
Nope they are definitely not the same.

Chinese Algae eater is Gyrinocheilus aymonieri - and generally obtain more than 10" in a tank. 18" is not the norm and probably exceptions in the wild, but I've not heard of them getting that big.

Flying Fox is Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus and can reach 6"

Then of course there is also the Siamese Algae Eater which is Crossocheilus siamensis and can also obtain 6".

(Edit: some more info on all the differences.)
dependong on your location, I'll happily re-home him

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