Stubborne Algae In My Mantis Tank?


Apr 12, 2007
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I keep gettin a build up of stubborne algae on the front and sides of the tank that my mag float just wont budge and the only way i can get it off is with a scraper blade,

doing the sides is ok i guess but the front is a nightmare as the front glass panel is curved and it then curves into the side panels if u get me. However my question is what can i do with the filtration to try keep the algae down??

The tank itself is only a 24L or 5UK gallon and there is a 3 chamber filtration in the back of the tank. 1st chamber consists of about 1 - 2kg of broken up liverock, The 2nd is a small bag of ceramic media then a bag with a small ammount of phosphate remover and the 3rd chamber houses the heater and pump.
Switching over to 20k lamps over the tank would really slow down the algae growth. More of a treating the problem rather than the cause, but could help in your case. Ever considered putting a little of that plastic abrasive pad between the magfloat and the glass? If you have enough pulling force from the magnet this could work.
the lamp in the hood is realy lame its half white half blue but its a mini version of a interpet t5 lamp with the 4 pins.....each tube is about 10mm wide.

And the mag float is crap ime going to buy another 1 it barely stays on when using it normally so with some abrasive pad between it it will never work.

so you would say the general filtration is ok then???

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