Stubborn Ich - Failed Two Treatments!


New Member
Feb 23, 2013
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I have ich in my tank and I can't seem to get rid of it.  I've been dealing with it for about 1.5 weeks and it is still hanging around.  
The tank is at 86 F and 20 gallons.  Ammonia and nitrite are both zero.  
I first treated with Super Ich Cure (active ingredient Malachite Green and Nitrofurazone).  I used a half dose as the package recommended because I have a catfish and two small clown loaches (the third one did not make it).  The box said add one dose on day one, a second dose on day three then water change on day 5 water change and carbon.  Day 5 I still had ich, so did a water change then added another dose.  
Day 7 - More ich spots appearing, switched to Coppersafe (active ingredient - chelated copper sulfate). The box said no need to raise the temp, so I started turning it back to normal, decreased to 84.
Day 8-10 Out of town.  Temp stayed at 84 since I was out of town.
Day 11 - Came home, and the clown loaches look horrible!  Much worse than when I left and even more than before.  The temp is back to 86.
I know I can't do salt. Anyone know anything else I can try?  I'm getting desperate!
I had ich once but was afraid of meds because of my shrimp and snails. So I did water changes and siphoned the gravel (20%every other day) And fed nothing but live foods for about 2 weeks. After a month I couldn't find any trace of ich on my fish and haven't had a problem since. Hope that helps

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