Struggling Bolivian Ram


Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Tank size: 125 litres
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20
tank temp: 25c

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): two Bolivian Rams were bought two weeks ago - right from the start they both his and were difficult to feed. After three days one turned very dark - refused to move an died within a few hours of me noticing it. At this stage the other one picked up an for three or four days was fine and eating well. However since then he has lost a lot of his colour, refused to eat for around a week, not moving much although chases anything that gets near him and fins haven't locked and has rapid breathing. Also I have seen him flick and search against the sand but not very often.

Any idea what could be wrong with him - I am resigned to the fact it's probably too late for him now but want to try and save him and if not at least stop the problem spreading. No other fish are showing any symptoms at this is stage

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30-40% changes weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: only chemical additive is prime - filter is a fully fishless cycled aps external filter.

Tank inhabitants: 5 black ruby barbs, seven yellow phantom tetras, 1 dwarf gourami, 1 Bolivian ram (was two)

Recent additions to your tank: last thing added was two Bolivian Rams two weeks ago

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