Strong Flow In A Planted Tank


New Member
Jul 31, 2007
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Manila, Philippines

I just added a second filter to my 50 gal tank... I re-oriented the spray bar of my old filter to the side (it used to be at the back of the tank) and setup the new spray bar on the opposite side.

I may have overdone the filters a bit - each filter is rated at 700 l/h (about 180 gph? Eheim Pro 2224s) :blush:

Now I have a bit too much turbulence at the center of the tank where the two "flows" meet resuting in a lot of plant movement in that area. My surface movement is also a lot (I dose with CO2 and this might just make it all "escape" with all that surface movement). Not to mention what it may do to my fish... :crazy:

Any suggestions? Should I put both spray bars at the back facing the front again. Or should one face the front and one come from the side?

I could reduce the flow of the output as well - should I try that instead, it says it's OK to do it in the manual of the filter? Or does it damage the filter.

Or should I get a new 75 gal tank and move everything there (hehehehe kidding)... This is my LAST resort (albeit a very tempting option...)
Or should I get a new 75 gal tank and move everything there (hehehehe kidding)... This is my LAST resort (albeit a very tempting option...)

That would be very tempting wouldn't it :D

I gues I'd try lining them up on the back of the tank like you suggest. You could also consider drilling extra holes in the spray bar to reduce the pressure in the spraybar, and reduce the flow. You can also consider drilling them to point in a slighlty different direction (angled down or something).

Another thing to consider is maybe mounting the spray bars vertically and point them along (and slightly into) the tank wall. I've heard of this being done but never seen or tried it. Might take a bit of trial and error :)
Thanks DevUK,

I placed the spray bars at the back again and that helped. I'm thinking of tring adding holes on the spray bar as you suggested but want to get replacement pieces first before I try drilling the holes just in case it cracks.

Thanks again.

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