strong current


New Member
May 6, 2005
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So i got a tank after years of wanting one well i had one when i was young but anyway its 3ft 20 gal got it second hand with a filter,heater hood and a light and i cycled it and have 2female guppys 5 neons, 3 rummynose ,2 red eye and my gorgeous betta i have even named all of them apart from the neons the rest have differences.These forums have been a great help to me when setting up and keep up the good work ppl. But im having trouble with my current off my filter im not teched up but it is in the corner of the tank it sucks the water in through a sponge and out throught the other sidewith some air bubbles it is nearly fully submerged and the otflow hole is about an inch or two below the surface how do i slow the current???
What filter is it. Some of them can be regulated. If you can't regulate it then try moving the outlet hose so that the water cascades into the tank and not under the surface.
not sure what kind it has 4 sukers and is in the top corner i have glass lips on the inside off my tank stopping me raising the filter any higher if i lowered the water level a lot it woud be closer but dosnt look gd if u know what i mean

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