Strong Currant In Tank, Spray Bar?


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Glasgow, Scotland
Hey guys i recently cycled a 10g tank about a week ago.. The betta got torn by the force of the currant along with my ADFs :(

I have a trickle type filter which has a part where a strong currant flows out, connected to that is small tubing which acts as the air filter. Air goes through the tube into the currant flow and bubbles comes out.

My question is, how can i reduce the strong currant in my tank? :unsure: I did a bit of searching and found out about spray bars but is it possible to buy one that isn't customised for specific tanks? The brand of the tank is "betta"

One more question. How can i reduce the noise of the air filter thing? It's quite loud :blush:

If you want pictures i can post them, not now though as i need to study :angry:

Dave :good:
Is it an undergravel type filter where there's a plate with holes in it and you have the gravel over top with the air tube going down a plastic tube into the plate?

If so the easiest way to disperse the bubbles a little more would be to cover the top with some sort of material that wouldn't stop the flow of air but disperse the bubbles to be much smaller. The problem is that the bubbles are probably too big for your betta and he's getting blown around the tank... You could also get a finer airstone that makes really small bubbles. This is an easy and cheap solution that should help should it be a undergravel type filter system.
Swapped in a cheap air pump that raised the dead for a Tetra Whisper air pump for up to 10g and it'is silent. Your 10g might not need the little connector with the cap on the end but mine did because the current was still too strong for the 5g with 3 guppies.
hey guys, thanks for the advice :) Here's a picture of the tank just to show you what's going on:


loads of bubbles and one hell of a currant!


That's the tube connected to it. do airstones get connected to where that tube thing is?

How would an airstone work in this tank? Are airstone's quiet too? the tank is in my room and i HATE the spitting type noise when i'm sleeping :fun:

I like the idea of the bottle thing for reducing the currant i may try that out :)
I have this very same tank, not for my betta though, I always wondered what that pipe was for!!!.

A simple baffle of the front of the water output would do the job even a filter sponge would reduce the flow!

lol nice to hear i'm not the only one with this tank :)

I dropped by my lfs there on my way to get some shopping done. i have a ph problem too :crazy: He said i could put some crushed corals in a pair of tights tie it to the bottom of the filter, so essentially i'd be killing 2 birds with one stone (that the saying?:p) which would reduce the currant with less water being pulled up. Would that be a good idea?

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