Stripes white female body


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Jan 17, 2005
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My question is that is it possible to see verticle stripes on my female betta's white body? Also, how exactly am i suppose to condition both my male and female before the spawning began? When does the female show stripes: before spawn, during spawn, or any other time?
Basically, no, you will not see a light body female bar up with vertical bars. Females can bar up when ready to breed when seeing a male, or when in the breeding tank.
Thanks The_Gilly, i was about to post up "why not answer the question?" but yeah thanks. Also, is there any other way to determine if the female is ready to breed or not? I know that all females have eggs.
when put next to the male the initail reaction might be flaring, but after awile the fish might swim at an angle and have clamped fins. some dont do this. it all depends on the fish.
Females react differently. Some hide alot, some want to help in the nest making. Some get bit in the butt, and run and hide. Some just swim away and come back for more. When the female is ready to be wrapped, she will cuddle with the male. They go in circles until they line up right, and she rolls on her back and he wraps her. It takes awhile for them to get it right, usually. I had one pr that started the minute she was released. When she is ready, she will go submissive if he nips her. her head goes down, and she turns her tail towards him. Most of the anal fin nips come when this first starts to happen. After they are done, the males bites the back behind the dorsal, hard. The longer you leave her in at this time, the more damage to her back. Scales can even be torn off her. The male is trying to drive her away.

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