Striped Rapheal?


Jun 29, 2005
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Las Vegas, NV - USA
I was looking at buying a striped rapheal catfish for my tank, and i was wondering if it is a good idea. Currently my tank holds:

60g - Fully Planted with Real Mopani Driftwood
1 Blue Gourami F (Spot) -> Might be taking him out... all ready have 2 pretty blkue gouramis
1 Gold Gourami F (Bananas)
1 Pearl Gourami F (Loch)
1 Powder Blue Gourami M (Dori)
1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami M (Nemo)
1 Dwarf Gourami M (Flow)
1 Opaline Gourami F (Surf)
1 Angel M (Spaz)
4 Baby Clown Loaches (Bobo, Gizmo, Bozo, and Gonzo)
1 Silver-Tip Catfish F (Bruce) -> May be moving out due to requirements when older (need marine tank !?!?!)
1 Clown Pleco (Stripes)
1 Rubbernose Pleco (Pucker)
1 Synodontis Eupterus (Spike)
*Will be adding a Black Ghost Knife Baby in a few days

Would a striped rapheal work in my tank?
Striped Raphales are lovely - but enjoy looking at him in the bag on the way home - because that's the last you will absolutely ever see of it ! :lol:
It should be fine to add, but just make sure you have enough hiding spaces and wood.
The spotted Raphael (like most of the Doradidae family) are heavily nocturnal, but I have seen a few articles that indicate they are more likely to be seen if they are kept in groups. Somewhat similar to Pictus.
Striped Raphael Cats are great fish, I had several in my tank with a Spotted Raphael cat at one time. They are right, they do hide, but will come out at night. Its fun to watch them eat, I fed them shrimp pellots and they would swallow them whole. I had them for about 3 years and they got pretty big and had to move them to a 100 gallon tank. They were a good 5" when I moved them and they kept growing in the other tank.
I have three... bloozoo gave me the first one and then I got him some friends :D
They hide and hide and hide... but they are starting to come out more often these days now they've settled in a bit but usually I can just see a bit of fin poking out from a bit of wood. They like to have hiding places.
hellohefalump said:
I have three... bloozoo gave me the first one and then I got him some friends :D
They hide and hide and hide... but they are starting to come out more often these days now they've settled in a bit but usually I can just see a bit of fin poking out from a bit of wood. They like to have hiding places.
Yes they really are lovely fish and I'm glad mine found a very good home - I'm sure he doesn't miss his old home :lol: especially not with the gourmet food you have them on, he's now living the life of a king !
I'm still trying to re-arrange my tank and have been toying with going SW or African Cichlid but I don't want to just cart my current fish off to the lfs - it's not quite right.

But anyway, yes they do hide an awful lot but they are very cool fish :cool:
I had 3 spotted raphaels and hadnt seen any of them for the 3 years they had been in the tank until one turned up dead one morning, i still have two in there but i dont know where :lol:
I really like them... it makes that one sighting in months special! Sometimes if I really crane my neck I can see some barbels sticking out from my big hollow bit of wood.
I'm sure he doesn't miss his old home especially not with the gourmet food you have them on, he's now living the life of a king !
not a problem... I just chuck the puffers' left overs into the tank (ripped down small if they're too big). That and the algae wafers, catfish pellets, live food, flake.......

they are lovely peaceful fish but watch out if you've got fry because they have big mouths and fry are tasty! Mine don't touch the tetras or the small rams though, it's just the REALLY tiny fishes.

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