Striped Raphael!


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
i finally got a striped raphael catfish :yahoo: ! these are my fav catfish ever! here they can be anywhere from $60 up to and over $300! my BF and i were able to pick two of these guys up for $35 for the two! so we now have one each!! its great when u get to know the owner of an aquarium really well! how do you tell the difference between male and female? i am also wanting to get a pictus and 'pajama' catfish (the one that looks like the 4 lined pictus but isnt) to complete my collection. just wanted to let everyone know bout my great new baby, and the bargain! (for round here neways)
yes we will thank you. i still cant get over the price! still trying to find out how to tell them between male and female so if anyone knows. they have both been named, the bigger one is thumper and the little one is tad pole.
Ouch, we can pick up Striped Doradidae for under £3 each up here :D
heh they are anywhere from £3 for a small one and £7 for a few inch one here :p

Good find though :) I have one myself that I'm not sure what to do with lol
yea that so sux. they are realy hard to find here, like most beautiful catfish there is another i love i think its the angelicus catfish? not the pleco. here are atlest $350. pleco's are realy expensive aswell, scarlet being over $800.
We have two down at the LFS, they've been there for ages. No one seems to want to buy them. Probably because they will eat their beloved Neons..
I'm going to get lynched for saying this but why do people chose neon's over catfish....

Okay, I've got some danio's but that's only to avoid having a blank space between the bottom of the tank and the surface....

Since having the cory's I've fell in love with cat fish, sadly now though have reached my limit with the two hitchhikers...

(Cats - 2 peppered, 2 bronze corys: 1 Whiteseam (or starlight - not decided yet) Bristlenose and 2 Syno eupterus - going to give my wife the two bronze and get some more peppered corys.)

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