Striped Raphael Catfish


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
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Hi my mother in law has 2 striped raphael catfish. One is about 4 inches the other is about 7 inches. She is looking to rehome them as her tank is not really big enough. I got a 4ft tank that I would like to put them in but not sure if they will be compatible with my fish. Here is what's in my tank:
6 barbs (not sure of type) bout 1inch long
2 dwarf gourami
A baby plec, about 2 inch long
And 2 baby angel fish

Could the catfish go in my tank or will they try and eat my fish?
Personally I would not hesitate. I've never had one behave aggressively towards another fish, except some shoving to get to its favored hiding spot. This is just my experience though, others may differ.
I had raphaels in a tank with cherry barbs and other small and medium community fish a long time ago and a baby cherry barb appeared in the tank, even though raphaels are rumoured to eat small fish in the night! Currently I have four growing up with a dozen 2-3" angels and a couple of fully grown bristle nose plecs, and a few golden pencils. All are healthy and fin perfect. There are no snails though, however many I put in from my other tanks! They are great snail eaters.

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