Striped Headstander


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I saw a picture of one of these recently and I became interested. So I started doing some research. I think I have the basics.

They grow 7"-8" depending on what site you are reading, they are generally peaceful, but should be kept either singly or in groups of 6 or more. They appreciate a current and should be kept in a 45-55G tank with medium-large sized fish. They need a ph of 5.5-7.5 and temps between 75-80. They graze off the algae on the rocks of the tank, eat various vegetables, bloodworms, water fleas etc...

I want to get one for my tank. But I want to make sure it will be a good fit first.
This is what I have set up currently:
I set the tank up in March
55G 48"LX20H"X13"W
moderately planted with java moss, java fern, anubias var nana, wisteria, giant cabomba, asian ambulia, and crypts
top fin 60 filter that I want to upgrade in the near future to a fluval
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5-10
ph 7.0
temp 78

2 angels male and female pair
1 blue spot gourami
6 boesmani rainbows 4 females 2 males
2 oto's I want to get 4 more once my QT tank is up and running
2 dwarf neon rainbows that I want to rehome

Do you think I could fit one in? The tank is very healthy and aside from when the angels spawn everything is pretty peaceful. I don't want to disrupt this because even when the angels spawn, there isn't enough aggression to worry me. The female doesn't really care if anyone goes near the eggs, the male usually only chases the gourami. They have spawned 4 times now, and the gourami has never been injured.

I did a quick search on google and found alot of conflicting info on this fish, anything from it grows beteen 4 and 8 inchs and some say its peaceful while others say its terotorial.
One bit of interesting info i found is that apparently you need to have either one or 6 because its a bit terotorial and if you want more than one, you need a large group to spread out aggression, kind of like female bettas then i suppose. It has a tendancy to nip the fins of fancy fish/long finned fish and apparently a 50gal is more than fine, it thrives off a diet of frozen foods and needs its diet also substitued with vegetable based foods. It requires a string filter current and lots of oxygen and excellent water quality.
To be honest though from what i have read, it may not fair well with a pair of spawning angels though as apparently as much as it can pick on other fish it also tends to get picked on itself with agressive tank mates- might be best to leave then if you wanna keep the angels, especialy if they have already injured other fish in the past...
My angels have never hurt another fish while spawning. They chase the gourami away and pretty much ignore the rainbows. I read the same thing about the 1 or 6 fish. I only want 1. I also read the conflicting information, which is why I would like some advice on whether or not a) they can go in my tank without over stocking it and b)if there is enough room for 1 are the tank mates suitable.

My tank is the right size, and I am always on the lookout for a good deal on a larger tank. The parameters are right, so what it really boils down to is the tank mates and over stocking. I want to keep my tank peaceful, the way it is now. Is there someone who can answer what google couldn't? Any personal experiences that might help me decide if this is the right fish for me?
Have you got a scietific name for them? I have seen this name used for both Abramites hypselonotus and Leporinus fasciatus.

are pretty nasty fish that attack and kill other fish with alarming ease, i'm afraid that angels would most likely have their fins shredded very quickly. They do best when kept with aggressive or fastmoving fish, i've kept mine with a shoal of Exodon paradoxus for a while and have now moved them into a tank of predatory Characins and Cichlids.

are more peacefull toward tankmates but they are more territorial toward their own kind and should ideally be kept singularly unless you are lucky enough to have a pair form a breeding bond.
The scientific name is Anostomus Anostomus. This is what it looks like.


So it is neither of the fish you have shown me. It seems not a lot of people own this fish. I don't believe I have seen one in my lfs, but if it is compatible, I will ask them if they can order some for me.
Anostomus anostomus is another fairly aggressive fish that should not be kept with long finned fish, i certainly wouldnt recomend them as tankmates to angel fish. They grow to about 6 inches and are more forgiving toward tankmates of the same species than most headstanders. If you want a head stander type fish which wont destroy your fishes fins then take a look at Chilodus species which are more gentle and dont grow so big.

Pictures of all the commonly available headstanders and a little info available here,%20Headstanders.htm
Thanks CFC. I think I will stay away from them. I don't know what I am going to put in the tank. I can't put small fish in there, my angel thinks they are lunch. I don't want to put any really large fish in there as I don't really have the room. I think I need some bottom feeding fish, as my tank is all mid to upper level swimmers. I think I may look at corys or smaller loaches like the botia striata.

Thanks for your help
i have one of these and have not seen any aggression atall

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