Fish Herder
I saw a picture of one of these recently and I became interested. So I started doing some research. I think I have the basics.
They grow 7"-8" depending on what site you are reading, they are generally peaceful, but should be kept either singly or in groups of 6 or more. They appreciate a current and should be kept in a 45-55G tank with medium-large sized fish. They need a ph of 5.5-7.5 and temps between 75-80. They graze off the algae on the rocks of the tank, eat various vegetables, bloodworms, water fleas etc...
I want to get one for my tank. But I want to make sure it will be a good fit first.
This is what I have set up currently:
I set the tank up in March
55G 48"LX20H"X13"W
moderately planted with java moss, java fern, anubias var nana, wisteria, giant cabomba, asian ambulia, and crypts
top fin 60 filter that I want to upgrade in the near future to a fluval
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5-10
ph 7.0
temp 78
2 angels male and female pair
1 blue spot gourami
6 boesmani rainbows 4 females 2 males
2 oto's I want to get 4 more once my QT tank is up and running
2 dwarf neon rainbows that I want to rehome
Do you think I could fit one in? The tank is very healthy and aside from when the angels spawn everything is pretty peaceful. I don't want to disrupt this because even when the angels spawn, there isn't enough aggression to worry me. The female doesn't really care if anyone goes near the eggs, the male usually only chases the gourami. They have spawned 4 times now, and the gourami has never been injured.
They grow 7"-8" depending on what site you are reading, they are generally peaceful, but should be kept either singly or in groups of 6 or more. They appreciate a current and should be kept in a 45-55G tank with medium-large sized fish. They need a ph of 5.5-7.5 and temps between 75-80. They graze off the algae on the rocks of the tank, eat various vegetables, bloodworms, water fleas etc...
I want to get one for my tank. But I want to make sure it will be a good fit first.
This is what I have set up currently:
I set the tank up in March
55G 48"LX20H"X13"W
moderately planted with java moss, java fern, anubias var nana, wisteria, giant cabomba, asian ambulia, and crypts
top fin 60 filter that I want to upgrade in the near future to a fluval
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5-10
ph 7.0
temp 78
2 angels male and female pair
1 blue spot gourami
6 boesmani rainbows 4 females 2 males
2 oto's I want to get 4 more once my QT tank is up and running
2 dwarf neon rainbows that I want to rehome
Do you think I could fit one in? The tank is very healthy and aside from when the angels spawn everything is pretty peaceful. I don't want to disrupt this because even when the angels spawn, there isn't enough aggression to worry me. The female doesn't really care if anyone goes near the eggs, the male usually only chases the gourami. They have spawned 4 times now, and the gourami has never been injured.