Striped Doras - Help


Fish Herder
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Exeter, Devon
Its my first time owning one of these little things (i done my reading first)

After researching him i got him Yesterday and he was active and so so cute. Any way i moved him into his permanent home today and noticed the he was very plump in the belly and his scales are pinecony down his tail just like a betta gets when it gets dropsy i didn't notice it yesturday but then i was too pleased to have him. I can't find anything about it online. Is it normal or is he poorly? :unsure: I can try to get pictures if needed and i apologise if i'm being dippy
i find it hard to diagnose with that description but it does sound prety ill if you can pics will be good

was it like this in the shop

any other symptoms

what are your water parameters?

nitrate amonia temp hardness
Did you put any food in? All my doradids are ravenous feeders and will think nothing of eating until looking like they have swallowed a marble.

I would be surprised if the scales are pineconey as doradids (like all catfish) have no scales. Are you sure you aren't just seeing all the protective spikes that adorn these fish?
i find it hard to diagnose with that description but it does sound prety ill if you can pics will be good

was it like this in the shop

any other symptoms

what are your water parameters?

nitrate amonia temp hardness

The water in his tank is straight from the borehole so there is nothing in the water at all, its purer than spring water. There is no amonia.

Water hardness is 60, PH is 7 - 7.5, temperature is 24 degrees, Nitrate is 0.

He has live plants in his tank and i placed a piece of cooled boild bogwood in there the same time i put him in.

I didn't see him in the shop as he was bagged up and boxed for when i got there to pick him up but as i said earlier he didn't seem to be like it when i fist put him in his tank

Did you put any food in? All my doradids are ravenous feeders and will think nothing of eating until looking like they have swallowed a marble.

I would be surprised if the scales are pineconey as doradids (like all catfish) have no scales. Are you sure you aren't just seeing all the protective spikes that adorn these fish?

This is why i was askin as i wasn't sure if it was just a case of him being that way naturally. He did have a couple algee waffers put in allong with some catfish pellets.

heres a pic of him any way


Sorry about the bits in the water, its where i moved the java moss out of the way plus that bit of glass has water marks
from the pic he looks fine to me,
I have one striped dora and two spotted that gorge themselves silly and after each meal will look like they have swallowed golf balls
really! oh thats great

Its just i have sen it a few times in bettas and when i saw him looking like it i worried

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