Striped Doradidae

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
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After much investigation (hence previous posts) i went for a 4inch one of these. What stunning little cats they are.
The white line down the sides are stunning.

My question is that i would like to keep 3 of these as they only grow to about 7inches .
Would they get on?
I hear the Doradidae Family do tend to be quite sociable to other Doradidaes so a small group of 3 could be good.

I keep 5 striped and 3 spotted in the same 3 foot tank without any problems. Just make sure there is plenty of hiding spots for them as they tend to squablle over resting places.

Also, considering how notcurnal these things are, keeping more than one multiplies the chances of actually seeing them.
I am thinking of adding a few more cats from another family. This is a minefield offcoarse. Size needs to grow no more than about 8inches and need to get on with the doradidae's.

Not Easy!
I am thinking of adding a few more cats from another family. This is a minefield offcoarse. Size needs to grow no more than about 8inches and need to get on with the doradidae's.

Not Easy!

I now have 3 spotted and 2 stripped. I love em and in the twilight lighting mode they all come out and its stunning to whatch.
I love them as they only get to about 8 inches so not to disrupting in the Tank.
Who said they are purely nocturnal so far i have no evidence of that at all.

I kept a Striped Raphael from about 3cm to 8" a few years back and never saw it for lengthy periods in the day, only at night did it appear. As it got older it came out more and more in the day :)
I kept a Striped Raphael from about 3cm to 8" a few years back and never saw it for lengthy periods in the day, only at night did it appear. As it got older it came out more and more in the day :)

Mine is fairly large and sits there during the day in pure sunlight. It tucks its head into a rock. but it will not actually move until Dusk but atleast i get to see it.
Fantastic cat!
you should look into a few syno species.maybe eupterous or ociifelar.i have a eupterous.great fish always out and about
I have just purchased a plecostomus of about 2 inches. I had real problems finding info on this cat but i 'THINK' its the spotted Pleco or the gibbiccepts the Algae eater.

Groe to about 2 foot i am told if it is.

Perhaps somebody can Enlighten me?

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