striped cory


Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
buckinghamshire ,england
saw a terrific cory today called a striped cory,anyone know this one or anything about it? it was really unusual, seemed to have small' wings' and was flatter than most and white it was. any info appreciated as i'm thinking about getting some... thanks pebbles
My guess is a pygmy cory...were they swimming about mid-level rather than bottom? :unsure:
funny now you mention it i didn't see them swim. they were all grazing on a piece off bogwood . will have to go and have another look .trying to find as much info as i can, found a comment on the web, says there are many different cory cats called striped but no pics.. ... pebbles
if you can get the latin name from shop, we should be able to give some info for you!
hi , thanks for your replys. i phoned the shop it seems it is not a cory it is a talking catfish otherwise known as a humbug catfish. couldnt give me the latin name . does this help. does anyone have one, information on this fish welcome, will be doing some research myself as well. pebbles
Its not a cory but have a look here for the humbug catfish...

HUMBUG :thumbs:

Is this the one?

edit - planet catfish wouldn't allow the link - but try their site for more info

thanks wet wet wet you have saved me from a big mistake, the shop i am sure had it labled as a cory but that may have been my mistake , looked the same as your link and i checked out planet catfish . they had a humbug catfish but they also mentioned a striped variation but with no pics. i have decided that cute babies as they are i dont think they will be the best thing with all my corycats and other fish[it says not to keep with small fish] i'll keep looking for another cory or two or three........ pebbles :) :wub: i love corys
Both Platydoras Costatus and Agamixys Pectinifrons are fine with corys and the like. It is just small tetras etc. you have to be wary of keeping with them. They are generally peaceful, fascinating, nocturnal and gregarious fish that can get to 6" or so. They are fantastic scavengers and can scoff catfish pellets at lightening speed 'til they burst! So be careful not to overfeed. B)

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