Stressed Tiger Barbs


New Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Hello everyone. I am concerned about my Tiger Barbs! I introduced 4 zebra danios and some brazil sword plants today. Since the danios hit the open tank, the barbs have been hiding in the corners, extremely skittish and pale. They were acting totally normal until the danios entered the water. I know that the danios are VERY active, but I am surprised that the Barbs are this stressed, and hiding. More info: 35 g. tank, running for over 5 wks., cycled after two weeks. 6 tiger barbs, one small spiny eel, one bamboo shrimp, one albino rainbow shark. Did I overstock by adding the Danios? According to my calculations, adding a school of danios makes my tank fully stocked. Filter: Eclipse 3 system. Air stone for diffusion. Plants: Anubias, Anacharis, Ciliata, unknown Cryptocorne, Brazil Sword. It is strange to see the barbs like this. Added Cycle and NovAqua. Any advice? Will test water ASAP. Thank you!!!.. (in advance).
:stupid: Jumped the gun on this one. The barbs returned to normal after a couple hours once I turned the lights off.
hi glad to hear your barbs have calmed down, we've kept tiger b's for over 6 years & despite their fearsome reputation as fin nipping bullies we've always found them to be the 'scardey cats' of the tank, the first to flee & hide with any changes, i had to stop using an algae magnet years ago because i was worried the barbs would keel over in sheer terror, everytime i used it, they used to completely freak & spend hours afterwards being very skittish! great fish though.
Yes, actually in a way I should have listened to what the Barbs were telling me... They stressed out under light for the first 48 hrs around the danios. I learned my lesson on this one actually... No quarantine tank- no more fish... I had been lucky up until this point. When I added the danios their fins were frayed and I sensed there would be trouble. Sure enough four days later 3/4 had white spots. I removed the fish and returned them to the LFS. It seems I may be treating with NO-ICH in the near future, which I ordered expedited. Thus far my other fish seem unaffected. Watching for any signs of discomfort. Will not use QuICK Cure (Formalin, Malachite Green) from LFS. I think zebra danios could inhabit a niche in my community aquarium, however I am wondering if I should regard this species as prone to carrying parasites and disease?
Yes, actually in a way I should have listened to what the Barbs were telling me... They stressed out under light for the first 48 hrs around the danios. I learned my lesson on this one actually... No quarantine tank- no more fish... I had been lucky up until this point. When I added the danios their fins were frayed and I sensed there would be trouble. Sure enough four days later 3/4 had white spots. I removed the fish and returned them to the LFS. It seems I may be treating with NO-ICH in the near future, which I ordered expedited. Thus far my other fish seem unaffected. Watching for any signs of discomfort. Will not use QuICK Cure (Formalin, Malachite Green) from LFS. I think zebra danios could inhabit a niche in my community aquarium, however I am wondering if I should regard this species as prone to carrying parasites and disease?

No, zebra danios are tough little fish, not prone to disease. Just be more careful when you buy them next time. Check everything in the tank for signs of stress and disease. If anything is sick in the tank or looks suspect avoid it. Also it is worth mentioning that some fish stores use block filtration, which can be highly problematic... for example 6 tanks: 5 perfectly healthy connected together with one infected w disease, they all can potentially have disease then...

Also, why would you not use malachite green to treat your fish w ick? definately an effective med...
Not using malachite green because I have a bamboo shrimp. My rainbow shark now has a white edge on the tips of his lower fins and anal fin. I am now unsure whether I have ich, finrot, or both (latter caused by former). I am thinking I should treat for ich since the danios broke out in spots... then if the fin fraying still remains or worsen, treat for fin rot. What should I use for fin rot if it doesn't clear?

Yes, actually in a way I should have listened to what the Barbs were telling me... They stressed out under light for the first 48 hrs around the danios. I learned my lesson on this one actually... No quarantine tank- no more fish... I had been lucky up until this point. When I added the danios their fins were frayed and I sensed there would be trouble. Sure enough four days later 3/4 had white spots. I removed the fish and returned them to the LFS. It seems I may be treating with NO-ICH in the near future, which I ordered expedited. Thus far my other fish seem unaffected. Watching for any signs of discomfort. Will not use QuICK Cure (Formalin, Malachite Green) from LFS. I think zebra danios could inhabit a niche in my community aquarium, however I am wondering if I should regard this species as prone to carrying parasites and disease?

No, zebra danios are tough little fish, not prone to disease. Just be more careful when you buy them next time. Check everything in the tank for signs of stress and disease. If anything is sick in the tank or looks suspect avoid it. Also it is worth mentioning that some fish stores use block filtration, which can be highly problematic... for example 6 tanks: 5 perfectly healthy connected together with one infected w disease, they all can potentially have disease then...

Also, why would you not use malachite green to treat your fish w ick? definately an effective med...
Not using malachite green because I have a bamboo shrimp. My rainbow shark now has a white edge on the tips of his lower fins and anal fin. I am now unsure whether I have ich, finrot, or both (latter caused by former). I am thinking I should treat for ich since the danios broke out in spots... then if the fin fraying still remains or worsen, treat for fin rot. What should I use for fin rot if it doesn't clear?

Once your treatment has finished, sdee how everything stands. Give a good decent water change, and keep the water stats good for a few days. At that point, you should either see improvement (the fish's immune systems are fighting off whatever illness they had) or it will stay the same or get worse. Only at this point would I medicate, and if you are unsure as to what your fish is suffering from, post in the emergency section.

If I was treating for finrot I would use tetracycline or Maracyn Plus (gram positive and negative, although either maracyn and maracyn 2 are also used). I do not know what meds are available in UK so much, so if you are there perhaps post in the emergency section and indicate you need UK meds recommended. Also, some meds are toxic to bamboo shrimp, so be careful when treating your tank (these products should be safe, mardel-tc and maracyn both do not recommend against it).

Hope this helps
Thank you Rushing Champ. Much appreciated. I am still treating for ICH with the product NO-ICH... I'm thinking right now, I need to treat for at least 14 days... do you think that's long enough at 82 degrees? I have melafix and jungle labs antibacterial food (I'm in CA), in case the fin rot worsens down the line. Would you recommend Maracyn Plus over these? How long should I wait if it remains the same? Thank you again very much for your help.
Hello everyone. I am concerned about my Tiger Barbs! I introduced 4 zebra danios and some brazil sword plants today. Since the danios hit the open tank, the barbs have been hiding in the corners, extremely skittish and pale. They were acting totally normal until the danios entered the water. I know that the danios are VERY active, but I am surprised that the Barbs are this stressed, and hiding. More info: 35 g. tank, running for over 5 wks., cycled after two weeks. 6 tiger barbs, one small spiny eel, one bamboo shrimp, one albino rainbow shark. Did I overstock by adding the Danios? According to my calculations, adding a school of danios makes my tank fully stocked. Filter: Eclipse 3 system. Air stone for diffusion. Plants: Anubias, Anacharis, Ciliata, unknown Cryptocorne, Brazil Sword. It is strange to see the barbs like this. Added Cycle and NovAqua. Any advice? Will test water ASAP. Thank you!!!.. (in advance).
i think they will settle down

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