Hello everyone. I am concerned about my Tiger Barbs! I introduced 4 zebra danios and some brazil sword plants today. Since the danios hit the open tank, the barbs have been hiding in the corners, extremely skittish and pale. They were acting totally normal until the danios entered the water. I know that the danios are VERY active, but I am surprised that the Barbs are this stressed, and hiding. More info: 35 g. tank, running for over 5 wks., cycled after two weeks. 6 tiger barbs, one small spiny eel, one bamboo shrimp, one albino rainbow shark. Did I overstock by adding the Danios? According to my calculations, adding a school of danios makes my tank fully stocked. Filter: Eclipse 3 system. Air stone for diffusion. Plants: Anubias, Anacharis, Ciliata, unknown Cryptocorne, Brazil Sword. It is strange to see the barbs like this. Added Cycle and NovAqua. Any advice? Will test water ASAP. Thank you!!!.. (in advance).