Harris I hope you used the same water from the tank you took her from.Also make sure you use some stress coat(this is the solution that take care of chlorine in tap water and add aloe vera for the protection of fish gills.)
Add some floating plants so to give her some illusion of security.If you don't notice any change in behavior,put her back.This is the same reason why I don't use the breeding nets,sometimes the females end up so stressed out that they die before or right after giving birth.
If she doesn't change her behavior,move her back to the main tank.Keep an eye on her,if you notice any fry catch and put them in the 3gall.tank,or let the parents eat them.Now,in about three weeks and a half try to put her back in the small tank,hopefully she won't react the same way she's doing now.
PS--------------The reason why you need aloe vera it's because at stressing times fish would loose the slimy coat that protects them against any parasite ,fungus or bacteria.Aloe would provide that slimy coat back.