Stress On Barbs When Feeding


Feb 27, 2009
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I have 4 black ruby barbs, 2 tiger barbs, 1 green barb, and 3 albino tiger barbs. They are all in a well planted 10 gallon tank with floating plants, wood, and some rocks. The filter is for a 5-20 gallon, i can set the speed, i set it to the highest (it doesnt seem to be a bother). Anyways, when i feed them, either bloodworms or flakes, they all rush up and try to grab it. When they are eating it on the water surface, they all get stressed and lose their color. Is it because of the big commotion over food or what? And by the way, they have perfect color when they are swimming around in the middle.
Im suprised they have room to swim around the middle, a 10g is far too small for that many fish, especially barbs, as they grow far too large for it.

Barbs are very fast and aggressive eaters, Ive no doubt the lack of room to get to the food is stressing them out as well as their full time cramped quarters.

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