Stream-like Tank Help Qs.


New Member
Jan 9, 2008
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Bristol, UK.
Hello there,

After reading another topic about hillstream loach, I have decided that I'm gonna have a go at setting up a small coldwater tank. I haven't looked for a tank yet but am looking to get a 15g. long tank, which will be stocked with WCMM and the Hillstream loach.

What I wanna know is...

What other types of fish are there that are 'tropical' fish which prefer colder water? (not goldfish!)
Would it be safe to pinch some plants from a local stream and add them to the tank?

The tank itself will have plenty of pebbles of different sizes and gravel as I'd like to try and make it look as natural as possible.

Many thanks.
hillstream loaches require a lot of current in the water. so you have a few options

1. big external
2. this
<--- basically under the substrate you have pipework, and at one end you have powerheads and the other end you have sponges to do the filtration

as for tank mates, any coldwater fish that doesnt mind a fair current, i can't think of any of the top of my head other than salmon lmao.
let's see, white cloud minnows don't mind colder waters, nor do cory catfish. although avoid "cold" water, as most fish aren't truly cold water species, they can just with stand the lower temperatures for a longer amount of time. Generally 68F does nicly in a "cold water" set-up.
Most danios are fine as tankmates for hillstream loaches from what I understand.

Also, you're going to need to have high-powered lights and no planting, as you want to promote algae growth.
let's see, white cloud minnows don't mind colder waters, nor do cory catfish. although avoid "cold" water, as most fish aren't truly cold water species, they can just with stand the lower temperatures for a longer amount of time. Generally 68F does nicly in a "cold water" set-up.
I wouldn't put a cory in a cold water setup, as they are tropical (Amazonian).
true, but some species can survive, although it wouldn't be there first choice. had another thought, how about gudgeon if you can find them?

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