Strawberry Platy


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I bought a young strawberry platy to see if it would crossbreed w/ my other platy. The male is ignoring her. Anyway, she stays at the bottom most of the time, trying to find food. I've dropped in several different sized flakes and she seems to be able to eat them easily enough (though she does have some difficulty) so I don't think she's hungry.

What do you think? (My other platies have also taken up this habit, though the juveniles spend most of their time in the plants anyways)
According to my experience, Platies move all over the tank. Mine spend a lot of time searching stuff to eat among the plants and the bottom.

Different Platies should breed just fine since they are the same species, just different colors.
No. She doesn't seem to. She can swim up to the surface for food w/o problems, but she has a hard time dragging flakes from the surface and eating the flakes that are sinking to the bottom. I can't figure out why...
Have you tried a different type of flake food for them? Or the flakes may not be soaking up enough water so the fish wait til the flakes are soaked. When fish eat dry flakes they can sometimes expand in their stomachs giving them intestinal pain and sometimes that can make them sick or kill them.
The other platies, (even the fry) seem to enjoy it and don't have problems w/ it. The platies can't get to the brine shrimp in time and it sinks, so I don't feed them the shrimp anymore. Do you think tubifexk worms would be good?

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