Strange white particles in my water.


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I do regualr water changes in my aquarium but recently ive noticed many tiny white particles in the water. They are not living and jst seem to be in the water not moving and when close up it looks slightly cloudy, its strange, ive neva had this problem before and my filter is working, my water parameters are correct and it cant be new tank syndrome cos the tank has been established for 12 months!

Theres no algae, it jst luks a little dirty/ cloudy. Any help would be grately appreciated!
Do you over feed your fish.
I vaccum my gravel regularly and i dont think i overfeed my fish, being honest i think i feed them relatively little. Thanx for ur help, even any derrogatory comment will be fine cos u probs all know more than me, thanx. Could it be some sort of cloudiness? It just doesnt seem to be budging, theyre tiny tiny but visible white particles, and definately not alive. Thanx
How high are your nitrates.
Nitrate, ammonia and nitrite levels are all 0. Dont worry if u cant help me, im grateful for the effort. Do u think some sort of water clearing medication wud b ok?
You can't have a nitrate reading of 0..
Really! Thanks, i didnt know that, i took a sample of my water to my lfs and they tested the water. They said my water parameters are perfect, so i just presumed... Sorry
When did you last maintain your filter and rinsed sponges.
Last Saurday, its all very strange, would u advise on some sort of treatment to purify/clean the water?
Did you touch the sponges in the filter and check that the filter was in working order, and give it a good clean to make sure that everything was working.
Yeh i did, technically everything should be perfect it just isnt...
Sure you didn't over clean the sponges and it's took you back to a mini cycle.
Possibly! My fish are doing ok but it sounds about right. I'll add some cycle n let u know if it goes well. Cheers mate.
Don't use any chemicals. Vac. your gravel again and do a large partial water change. Then take out your filter media and rinse it in the water you've taken out of the tank. Then don't feed the fish for a day or even two. If there is an improvement just stick to feeding your fish very little. Otherwise I would suggest to decrease feeding anyway though I can't say what your problem might be. I'd also reccomend you buy your own test kits. Liquid-based ones are best, being the most accurate, and you'll find being able to test your water yourself is very useful. BTW, it IS possible to have 0 nitrAtes but it's rare because it takes special planting and tap water that doesn't contain nitrAtes already.

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