It is definately scratching, and if it is recurring frequently there is definately some irritant that is bothering your fish. Ich is one of many possibilities, including velvet (another protozoan parasite) or flukes or even elevated nitrite levels? You will need to look at some webpages or I would recommend buying/borrowing a book from your library such as A-Z of Tropical Fish or The Manual of Fish Health to more completely investigate the cause. Do not medicate just on a guess, as most medications can be very harsh.
If you identify the ailment, or your fish have other symptoms, feel free to ask on here again, as a good majority of the problems you may have have been dealt with by someone on here and you usually get pretty good advice. Advice on both what the problem may be and the recommended cures.
The info we will need to best help you is: Most recent water test results: the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH tests. The size of the tank. How long has the tank been running. What the current inhabitants are. What changes, additions you have recently made to the tank. How frequent your water changes are.
And finally, though these seem like big problems, after treatment, you will have to investigate the origins of whatever the problem is. Almost every problem is triggered by poor husbandry. That is, when the fish are stressed, their immune systems are weakened, so you have to look into whether the fish are stressed in their current settings or by something recent. Such as, did you do a recent waterchange with water that may have been too cold, accidently chilling to fish some? Some of the questions about stress can be answered by the size and inhabitants of the tank questions that were asked above. Such as, if you have a very aggressive fish bullying and thereby stressing the other fish.