Strange things happening.....


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
Once upon a time mr and mrs. sailfin molly lived in my community set up. Both were snow white and both were very prolific and had loads and loads and loads of female, snow white, offspring. After some years mrs sailfin died leaving behind mr sailfin who prompty committed incest with his daughters and so the story continued until one little fry wasn't snow white but silver grey. This little silver grey fishy has now grown up into a silver grey male sailfin with irredescent blue spots on his fins. He's quite stunning and the only male out of hundreds of female, snow white, fry. I can't explain it, but maybe one of you can :D
Maybe just luCk? that male is also known as a green sailfin milly!
tstenback said:
I wonder if the female was an amazon molly or at least part amazon. They have 99% females when they give birth. :huh: Here is a link with some info no picture though Amazon Molly
HTH :)
:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Im confused :D

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