Strange Things Happening In My 10g


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
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southern california
The title basically says it, I have 2 fish that have mysteriously disappeared. I emptied the filter thinking that maybe somehow they were in there and nothing. I've looked in the gravel because I thought maybe they died and I don't see them. I am missing my yellow sunset platy and my honey red gourami. So Weird! :crazy: This weekend I'm going to look more closely through the gravel to see if I see them. My gourami is the biggest in my tank and if it were dead it would be obvious but I can't find him anywhere.

Any ideas????
What other fish do you have? Could be that if the did die and you didn't notice right away that they were eaten and decayed to the point where they were sucked up by the filter and just looked like debris.
Do you have any plecs in the tank.
Fish types would be good.
My stock was/is

3 Red platies
1 Sunset platy (missing)
1 Red Honey gourami (missing)
2 swordtail rasboras
3 Neon Tetras
1 Small Chinese Algae eater
Do you have a tight fitting lid with no openings?

If not, check around the bottom of the tank on the floor in a 2 to 3 foot radius outside of the tank. You would be suprised sometimes how far the fish can launch themselves. When I had a smaller tank, I used to have neons and mollies that I would find in the morning all dried out on the floor and the wierdest small corners where I wouldn't even think they could get to.
If they jump, and you have a dog or cat in the area, they may well "disappear". I've had one type of terrier or another for years, even with securely covered tanks I'll get the occasional jumper, and the dog usually finds them before I do.
Your algae eater will eat dead fish. I've had that happen before and noticed they were chowing down on them.
yup i once had a Chinese Algae eater that jumped through the opening of the filter, found him dry about 2 feet away from the tank, guess he could take it anymore :-(

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