Strange Tetra Behavior


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
So, I've had 8 Lemon Tetras for almost a year now, and they've been pretty peaceful with each other. But today, I noticed one of them is staying on the left side of the tank while the rest of them are on the right side and when one of them tries to go to the left side, the one there chases them off. But the lone one doesn't have a problem with the two guppies or the honey gourami and lets them go to the left side, it's just the other tetras. What's going on? I've never seen it happen before. Thanks!
Is the one that chases them off bigger than the others? What size tank is it? Does the agressive one also chase the others when you feed them?
Yeah, the one chasing is bigger than the rest and the colours seem more....defined, I guess you could say. It's a 20 gallon. And, nope, I just fed them and they all ate peacefully, but then once the food was gone, it was right back to chasing them away.

And now two tetras on the other side are chasing each other and their colour's as defined as the other one doing the chasing.
This seems like what my Silver Tip Tetras are doing. They chase all the neons and other silver tips away. It seems like they are just playing though. I think the tetras make a sort of pecking order and mess with the lower fish a little, just not enough to cause any severe stress.
Oh, thanks! That's what I thought it was too at first, but then it went on for a pretty long time so I thought it might be something different. :D

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