Strange Shrimp Deaths


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
Ok so I've had my new tank setup for about a month and until a few days ago my shrimp(snowballs, rainbows and CRS) were doing fine. Now im getting random deaths every few days and the shrimp are not very active. I've not added anything to the tank and water stats fine with only the PH being a little on the high side (about 7.4). Would ph really be a problem? So far I've lost 3 CRS and 1 Snowball (that I have seen anyway).
Elchupacamarón :eek:.

Seriously though, sounds odd.

The rising pH would only be an issue if there was ammonia/ammonium in the water, which is plausible for a tank thats not that old.

What ammonia test kit are you using and whats its lot number?
i've had the same problem. it's probably the water. can you move them to another tank? that's what i did when my shrimp started dying. i think it saved quite a few lives.
Elchupacamarón :eek:.

Seriously though, sounds odd.

The rising pH would only be an issue if there was ammonia/ammonium in the water, which is plausible for a tank thats not that old.

What ammonia test kit are you using and whats its lot number?

I'm thinking it could be ammonia as my test kit is a bit old. I also read that eco complete can cause problems before it settles down. I'll probably buy a new test kit tomorrow and see what that one says. For now im doing daily 10% waterchanges with water from my stable shrimp tank to see if that helps any.
if u have copper pipes in the house it could be that, shrimp wont tolerate copper pipes
add some bogwood and indian almond leaves - the tannings help to bind metals - any copper thats present
Do a very large water change - check the temp of the tank - make sure all water is dechorinated and that if you are adding warm water dont do it straight from the tap - a lot of older homes have copper pipes - warm water ones

If you have a good dechlorinator they help o bind heavy metal

shrimsp do like the tannings in the bogwood and leaves
This is quite an old thread, my tank seems to be fine now. No more deaths.

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